[b]Location:[/b] THe Under - Pizza Tower
[b]Level:[/b] 3
[b]Experience:[/b] 86/30 ([i]Level up available[/i])
[b]Word Count:[/b] <750 ([i]+1 EXP[/i])[/center]

After ending his fight with the Eyebrute, Rubick looked around to see if anyone needed help. However, he realized that everyone else had already finished their fights or was on the verge of doing so. Even Pizza Head had been bombarded with enough attacks to go down. "What is this!?" Rubick cried out indignantly. "How are they all defeated already? I came here to be tested!" He harrumphed, frustrated to be done so quickly, but there was nothing to do now. He eventually sighed and turned to look at his spoils of war: the Spirit of the Eyebrute. He gingerly lifted it up with his palm, wondering what he should do with it. Fusion was out of the question; he had no desire to launch his own eyeballs as projectiles, after all. A Striker might be interesting, but it'd be little more than a meatshield, and while it would be nice, he wanted more out of a Striker than that. That left only one option. Rubick squeezed his hand into a fist, compressing the Eyebrute's Spirit into an item.

[hider=For Rubick]You have obtained:
[b][url=https://i.imgur.com/SaU2rzW.png]Living Rock[/url][/b]
[i]A thought shatters the stillness. Unwanted Breath aches in my newly formed chest. Can be crushed to increase MP regen by 25% for 30 seconds[/i][/hider]
He turned the item around in his hand, curious about the item. It was a shame it was a consumable item, as he would've preferred something more permanent. Still, it had a decent effect, so he would save it for an emergency. Storing it away in his robes, he would move on to rejoin the Seekers, next to Jesse. Everyone was currently busy looking for a way down into the mist-filled ruins. [color=limegreen]"I wonder what secrets they hold..."[/color] Rubick wondered out loud to the Seekers nearby. He hoped it would be something magical in nature. Meanwhile, the Koopa Troops were having fun trying out various gadgets. Rubick watched them for a time, also wondering alongside Jesse if any of them work. [color=limegreen]"Hmm, it seems some of them may have potential- oh. Except for that one."[/color]