[center][abbr=Octopath Travelers][img]https://i.ibb.co/88KWNj5/OTbanner.png[/img][/abbr] [sup]____________________________________________________[/sup] [color=FFC6C6][u]Level[/u]: [b]8[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 200/80[/color] [color=2e2c2c]------[/color] [color=BC8DBF][u]Level[/u]: [b]6[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 139/60[/color] [color=gray]𝙱𝙿[/color] [color=gold]●[/color][color=gray]●●●●[/color] [color=2e2c2c]----------------------------[/color] [color=gray]𝙱𝙿[/color] [color=gold]●[/color][color=gray]●●●●[/color] [color=lightgray]Word Count: 680 (+1 exp) [b]Location[/b]: The Under[/color][/center] Once the strange man was defeated and whatever spell had been cast on the Seekers lifted, Primrose wasted no time in using her spell of Warmth to heal herself. [i]An invigorating start to the day I suppose,[/i] she thought, glad things turned out fine in the end. Barnabee had been right about the mask fragment, so she made sure it was collected and safe with the other pieces the group had so far. She also portioned out the Geo that had fallen while Nadia and Bowser were taking turns swatting Pizza Head, taking her share and (after a moment's deliberation) the diamond. She left the spirits of the other Seekers to use as they saw fit, and so did Therion - though the latter unabashedly claimed the remaining gems and the Eridium for himself along with his own share of the Geo. With everything tucked in his bag under his poncho he confirmed the pizza boxes were alright before joining the others on the edge of the tower. [i]Oh boy, another cliff. Hooray.[/i] Therion sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, mentally preparing himself for whatever method he'd use to descend. He could rappel down but it would take a long time. Maybe they could wrangle some of those flying creatures? Even the dandelion seeds looked big enough to float down on, but who knew how reliable that would be. He might have asked Primrose, Jesse, or Sectonia to carry him if he could live through the embarrassment. Fortunately Kamek was generous enough to lend some of his magic into making flying steads. Therion figured the wyverns wouldn't endanger themselves even with someone on their backs, and they seemed tame enough... [color=BC8DBF]"I'll... take one of those. Thanks."[/color] He told the old Koopa. While flights were being prepared and views admired, Primrose considered Jesse's musing. Her "until then" was pretty optimistic; the dancer suspected there might never be a real chance for the context Jesse was talking about. But perhaps they could learn a little more about the area's history within the world they were in now. She glanced at the Hive Knight. [color=D34C25]"You mentioned a calamity took place here? Do you know anything more about it?"[/color] Barnabee looked solemn. "Rumor tells that an ancient king of darkness, defeated and sealed away at great cost long ago, lay dormant for an age. Yet while he slumbered, his malignant influence seeped through stone like tar, poisoning yonder land and its people. I know not how it came to pass, but he evidently reawakened. His raw hatred surged through the land like a plague. The warriors of the Termite Capital vied to fight back, but their weapons rotted away in their hands, and the fetid mire that clogged their streets sapped their very lives. Soon, all that remained of that once-proud kingdom is the hollow, silent husk you see today. As for what became of his despot, I cannot say. Let us hope thy paths do not intertwine." Therion had been listening in, and he clicked his tongue. [i]Sure, let's hope, but knowing us?[/i] At least now the Seekers had a little bit of a heads up of what they might find down there, if anything of from the calamity remained. Primrose murmured an agreement with Barnabee. When it was time for takeoff Therion clung to the borrowed wyvern, letting it slowly follow its kin and otherwise not directing it. He'd make it to the bottom eventually. Primrose chose to float down while landing on a floating isle or two whenever she needed to let the runes of her scarf recharge. During the trek she floated next to Sectonia, answering the queen's query. [color=D34C25]"Well there were three indents in that door we encountered early on,"[/color] Primrose began. [color=D34C25]"Judging by the size of the pieces we have, they were broken up into thirds or fourths... so we have about a mask and a half to go."[/color] About five or six pieces. So they'd have to find more strong opponents that might be guarding one. The Seekers had some good luck so far with gathering the fragments, hopefully that luck would continue into today's adventure.