"Good suggestion," I said absently, still trying to process what had just happened. Of course, it was just my luck that there was a Brettonian dignitary at court when I made the small jibe, and someone must have heard Schulz speech in reikspiel and mine in Tilean and had informed the man. That I could predict. However, I had never had a beautiful woman stand up for me before. Usually it was the opposite, and I found it quite intriguing. Before we left, I suggested we change clothes. I was in my travel attire, and found my overly large closet could accommodate both men and woman searching for clothing to wear at court. I insisted we put on something more appropriate for an outing. For my part, I found dark, well pressed trousers, a white button down, and a fashionable silk jacket of midnight blue, like my eyes. I still carried my staff, however. A close observer from the procession earlier in the day might recognize it, but it was no guarantee and I used it for self defense, as well as a mark of my station if we are stopped at the gate and wishing to return. Once Camilla donned her own apparel, we left my rooms and found ourselves stepping outside, going through a small, lesser used path through the gardens to reach the streets beyond the gates. The gardens were large and filled with foliage one would never see in the northern forests past the grey mountains. oxwood trees, Tilean cypress trees, laurel, yew, rosemary, and junipers, accompanied by a myriad of flowers from across the old world. I always appreciated natural beauty, and I marked the spot for later so I might come an enjoy it when I was less busy with a woman. Camilla and I had just made it to the arch that led out of the garden when a giant stepped into view and blocked our path. Ok, I embellish. He wasn't a giant like in my native homeland. He was merely a large man, black bearded with oafish features and a barrel chest I nearly bumped into. In his belt was a pistol and an axe that I doubt I could wield even two handed. "Excuse me, signor. The lady and I were merely going out to enjoy the night life," I assured him, hoping this was just a misunderstanding. I sighed when two other men appeared at our flanks. They weren't as large, but they were armed with sideswords and appraised us wearing grim faces. [i]Sigmar, why do you test me so?[/i] "You have insulted Marco Telli, the greatest of Reman princes, and made an enemy of Guy Du Ponce. I am here to rectify that and inform you such slights are not to be ignored in this city." He growled in Tilean. It was amazing how the language sounded so sensual when it came from Camilla yet so uncouth from this ugly ogre. I guided Camilla behind me, unwilling to not take responsibility for my own transgressions, as unfair as it was. "Come with us and beg your forgiveness before Prince Telli, and offer him your services during your stay here." "And the girl?" I asked. "We would take care of her. She would be in good hands." He said, smiling wickedly. I looked at Camilla, and then back at the large man. He saw me hesitate, and said: "I would take take this offer, if I were you." "If you were me, you would be far better looking." Camilla chortled, and the large man suddenly grabbed me by my jacket collar and fully lifted me a foot off the pebble-strewn garden floor. [i]I had to open my big mouth, as usual[/i], I thought. I should have looked for more potential exits beyond physical contact, but I do have somewhat of an ego. Anyway, so close were we now, I couldn't even get my staff in line to strike. I felt his hot, putrid breath billow over me and I almost retched. He glared at me, tightening his grip. "Wrong move, pretty man." "I apologize. Sometimes I ge-" Midway through my fake apology, my head snapped forward. I felt more than heard a crunch as the big man's nose broke instantly. He grunted in surprise and pain, loosening his grip on me. I kneed him in the groin and he dropped me entirely. Landing nimbly, I spun my staff in two hands and stabbed the butt end of the staff into his stomach, doubling him over. In the same fluid movement, I redirected my staff to fly up and over and crash down onto the back of the man's head. He simply hadn't the breath or the time to defend himself, and luckily for me, the other two men were a bit too stunned their big friend had been dispatched in a matter of seconds to do anything meaningful in that short span of time. I used this lull in the potential battle to requisition the large tilean's pistol, cock the hammer and aim it in the direction of the two bravos. "Well gentlemen, I'm certain you feel this is quite awkward for you. You have two choices. One, drop your swords and run, or two, fight and I promise by the light of Sigmar I will send you to hell." I told them, and they could hear it in my voice that I meant it. My casual manner had fled me, and I admit, I was fully prepared to end their lives. "You only have one shot, signor." One reasoned after a heavy pause, gauging the distance between he and I with his eyes. "You are right. I'll simply shoot the first one to step forward, and then I will duel the next one for the safety of my lady friend here. It would be rather poetic, wouldn't you say?" I let the question hang in the air, and behind me I heard a soft groan on the ground. I shoved my foot back, smacking the big one's head into the pebbles to keep him down. The two swordsmen were paused by both fear and pragmatism. Sure, perhaps one would survive and succeed, and sure, perhaps the pistol ball would not end one of their lives, or perhaps the pistol was not even loaded. But I could tell, after they weighed the options and placed into account my staff-work, that they considered the situation and found the potential benefits did not outweigh the risks. As one, they took off their sword belts and dropped their weapons, before walking further into the gardens away from Camilla and I. When all was silent, I breathed a sigh of relief. "Now that is what I call a high stakes bluff! What a rush. Here my lady-" I flipped the pistol, catching it by the barrel and handing it to her. "-You may keep that as a souvenir, to adopt a brettonian word. Now, I believe we were going to dinner? I'm quite famished after that. Soldiers always say bloodletting grants an appetite and I find they're right on that account." I found it also made me quite in the mood to bed a woman, but I wouldn't announce that to her. It was very poor manners, after all.