I had been on outings before where I had pretended to pay and told my date to wait for me outside, and then I slipped out as best I could. Regrettably, this would not be one of those occasions. Luckily I had taken a handful of the one hundred thousand gold pieces gifted to the triumverate for myself. I called it a tithe for my services, and no one would be any the wiser, regardless. Still, I wouldn't profess that to Camilla. Better to let her think I was a man of means. "It's too bad none of them have commented on your thrilling ability to make a brettonian run away," I said, teasing her back. I laughed melodiously. "A musician? Well I can play the lyre [i]a bit[/i], and I daresay I'm a good singer, but I wouldn't call myself a musician, no." "Well Riekland is actually quite pretty. You might wish to visit it one day," I said by way of stalling. I considered her question thoughtfully, wondering how to begin. I was not going to lie, but I lived so much in the moment, it was difficult of me doing so without turning it into a quip. "I've always been fascinated by knowledge, particularly ancient knowledge. I was raised by the church, actually. But I did not wish to be in its shadow forever. I was impetuous in my youth and traveled a fair bit. I've seen most of the imperial provinces, though I skipped Hochland and Stirland, unfortunately. I've seen the Grey Mountains, realm of Estalia, Brettonian, and the famous Blackfire Pass. But I decided to go to one of the more famous universities outside of the Empire, and so I came to Pavona. I was hoping my degree would help me return to the Empire and gain me entry into the Imperial Colleges of magic, but apparently my travels, studies, and degree amounted to very little to the greybeards. I found myself without connections or prospects, save the Church of Sigmar, and so I pledged myself to its service. I suppose it was meant to be, and to be fair I've done well for myself. The study of a God is much like the study of arcane forces, and I feel like it's a good inhibitor to my less desirable traits. I am actually grateful to the organization and lifestyle as a whole, save for a few hiccups here or there-" The waiter placed the porcelain plates down before us. The breaded chicken was soft and satisfyingly hot, with cheese that swam from every poke of the fork and sauce that snatched at one's tastebuds. Camilla had brought us to a very fine establishment, indeed. "And for my good work they saw fit to reward me with escorting the chamberlain." I finished, finally adding a small white lie. I felt a twinge of regret, but I wanted to convince myself, really, and what better way than by doing so here? Also, I wish to record that champagne with spiced chicken is amazing. I gesticulated with my fork as I dined. I did not stare or try and snatch glances. I looked at her only when the conversation made it amiable, but I enjoyed every second of it. She really was beautiful, and call me a romantic but my (stolen) flower in her hair did make me feel quite nice. In a way only a man can really feel, I think. "So long story short, I walked a lot of places, failed to join a school, and fell back into a stable job... Did I tell it well or would it be better to maintain some mystery next time?" I asked slyly. "And I have a feeling you've got a story too. I advise you tell me now before the champagne sets in." To articulate the point I drained my glass with one dip and refilled it myself.