Fenna ate from the bread she had purchased as she walked back to the Mended Drum. More citizens and adventurers were up now, so she assumed her companions would all be awake by now as well. Now that she had something to eat, the idea of a bath was starting to be more appealing, but she'd settle for a shower as well. Maybe she'd ask about that back in the Mended Drum. On her way she stopped at a place selling warm herbal drinks. It was very likely they didn't have tea or coffee like she was used to here, but she did want something to wash down the bread with. After wrapping the leftover bread in a cloth and adding it to her bag, she entered the small shop that had a counter and some standing tables. Sil didn't feel like going inside and flew up to the roof of the place. The selection of warm drinks was more than she had anticipated; the warm water was in the kettle and she could pick from a variety of dried herbs, dried flowers and spices to be added to it. It wasn't long before she had a cup of chamomile tea, which was perfect to end her on-the-go breakfast with. Once the cup was empty, she returned to the Mended Drum, the falcon following her through the air and settling on the roof of the inn when she went inside.