[@TheNoCoKid] Jaded ModDoc is here! [hider=Cosima Driscoll] [center][h2][color=4DFFFF]Cosima Driscoll[/color][/h2][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ehF3bcD.jpg[/img][/center] [color=4DFFFF][center][i]"Humans and machines have this in common; they're both hardwired to act a certain way. The difference is machines act a lot better."[/i][/center][/color] [color=4DFFFF][b]Age:[/b][/color] 33 [color=4DFFFF][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Cosima stands tall at 5'8", with an air of cool composure. With her pale blonde, near-white hair and her soft features, she has a doll-like look to her. Adding to this are her unnaturally light blue, obviously cybernetic eyes, and the seams along her cheekbones because of this augmentation. Both her arms are sleek robotic ones from the elbows down, made of metal and white plastic. [color=4DFFFF][b]Faction:[/b][/color] Solo [color=4DFFFF][b]Background:[/b][/color] Cosima grew up with a keen interest in technology. Not just because her parents worked as marketers for the company Piezo Electronics, but because her aunt Mira was a ModDoc. The concept of cybernetic enhancements fascinated Cosima, the possibilities seeming limitless. So, from a young age, she decided she'd follow in her aunt's footsteps, helping people as a ModDoc herself. With the help of combined family funds, she began medical studies after leaving school. Halfway through her education, however, she received news that turned her worldview upside down. Aunt Mira had been sued for allowing a patient to receive too many implants, resulting in his loss of ability to enjoy life. Mira won the case, but Cosima was horrified, to say the least, as well as disgusted that part of her university funds came from a dirty source. Still, she persevered. For all the corruption in the medical industry, she'd be one of the good ModDocs, treating patients as people instead of victims to exploit. She held on to this resolve after graduation, but as she progressed in her career, she became more and more disillusioned as the greed all around her became increasingly apparent. Some colleagues seemed to respect their patients, but they were the exceptions to the rule - most only cared about credits at the expense of clients. Not only this, but inequality ran rampant on Metro Street, with Demonio harassing many a store owner, while several of her patients treated cybernetics as a way to flaunt their wealth. Disgusted at the state of the world, she withdrew into the cold logic of her work. She soon found she preferred machines to people - machines were rational, free of greed and egotism. And she began to wonder, was it really such a bad thing that people were getting Program Stasis? Did emotions and conventional morality have so much value after all? Emotions were volatile, destructive and self-centered. Compassion was rare, and even if it existed at all, it was typically directed towards one's immediate circle while the rest of the world was left to rot. Autonomy was all too often abused. And people rarely lived up to their morals. Hadn't she herself decided to continue her medical studies on dirty money? She let the standards she'd doggedly tried to preserve grow lax. She'd held off on getting the NightOwl brain chip that would allow her to go longer without sleep, since she already had a fair few cybernetics to help with her job, including a cognitive enhancer. Too many implants, especially brain ones, would be risky. Yet she ended up having it installed anyway, losing a little of herself in the process, wondering if the self was something people would be better off giving up. And when the next wealthy, extravagantly-dressed client came in for latest mods to show off, Cosima scanned the patient's already copious augmentations and decided to go through with it anyway. It was logical. Best for everyone involved. Even if meant she was slowly becoming the type of doctor she'd sworn she'd never be. [color=4DFFFF][b]Cybernetics:[/b][/color] - Hyperion Inc. OptiScopics: Eyes that greatly sharpen vision, with a zoom and focus function. - Hyperion Inc. Arms: Both her forearms are cybernetic, granting enhanced strength, manual dexterity and fine motor control. She has a MediScan device built into her right hand, which scans for a person's vital signs, any conditions they have that may interfere with modification, and what kinds of mods they've already had installed. On the back of her left hand is a Cyberlink port that connects to machinery to easily access and transfer information. Her Geo-ID is attached to her left wrist. - Montford Corp. Purifier: An immune system booster installed into her lymphatic system, making sicknesses and infections far less likely to happen so she won't spread them to recovering patients, and speeding up recovery if she does become ill. - Zenith Ent. Cognitive Enhancer: A brain implant that increases her memory and concentration. - Zenith Ent. NightOwl Chip: A brain implant that reduces need for sleep from eight hours to four. [color=4DFFFF][b]Weapons/Tools:[/b][/color] - Carries around a medical kit in case of emergencies. - Despite her oath to do no harm, she recognises the need for defense should thugs threaten her or her patients, and so has a laser handgun to only use when absolutely necessary. [color=4DFFFF][b]Likes:[/b][/color] - Innovations in the cybernetics field - Logic - Old entertainment media such as classical music, it's one of the few things that still makes her feel, although she views it as a guilty pleasure [color=4DFFFF][b]Dislikes:[/b][/color] - Human nature - Show-offs - The current broken system [color=4DFFFF][b]Quirks:[/b][/color] - Cosima is beginning to show the early stages of Program Stasis, and as such is coldly pragmatic, although she still has emotions and morals to a degree. Her limited emotional range is exacerbated by how jaded she's become. She can put up a pleasant and friendly veneer when she needs to, as few people would trust a ModDoc who was overmodified themselves. - Tends to overanalyse situations, so can be slow to act. - Still has something of a soft spot for media featuring idealistic heroes, even though she believes nobody could really be that kind, and knows such works are cynically-designed consumer products. She sees it as a bad habit to break. [color=4DFFFF][b]Places of Interest:[/b][/color] Has a clinic on Metro Street. [color=4DFFFF][b]Theme:[/b][/color] [youtube]https://youtu.be/NLC7qydsglE[/youtube] [/hider]