[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fallout-new-vegas-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230112/f7d774d3ec20946c1b1c06b083a1b2cd.png[/img][/url][/center] [Colour=Pink]"...we should probably know our way around better."[/colour] "Not a bad plan," Zell said. He looked out towards the nearest window. "Seems a nice day for it too." When Lillianna appeared, Zell gave a cheer. "Mornin Lily-pad." She asked to join them and he made a friendly gesture to the empty chairs, then laughed loud when he heard her belly grumble. "Sounds like you could eat a horse right about now." He listened to the women talk, mostly attentive but keeping an eye on the backroom until Frederick appeared, then he grabbed the barman's attention and asked for a cup of tea. When the response was 'what kind of tea?' Zell was perplexed. "Excuse me a moment, ladies," he said before getting up and going to the bar. "You don't have normal tea?" Frederick named a few fruit teas and Zell shook his head. "Nah bruv. [i]Regular[/i] tea. I don't know how else to describe it. With tea leaves. In a tea bag." Frederick said he'd bring him something, so he went back to the table. Not long later he did get his cup of tea but it whatever it was, it wasn't good ol' English tea. And why would it be? Zell grimaced after sipping it. "I guess that'll have to do," he muttered to himself. Passing conversation with the Wizard and Ranger was a decent morning, and when Fenna appeared, it got even better. "Fenna," Zell greeted with a grin. "You've been out all this time? 'Early bird gets the worm,' n all that. Can you believe this world ain't got no proper tea?" When MacKensie asked him about university studies, he replied bitterly. "Psycology. You?" Sociology. "Oh, so I study how bonkers a single person is. And you study how bonkers groups of people are. No wonder we make a good team." He grinned, but the smile was wiped off his face after he sipped his tea again. Then he turned his sights onto Lillianna. "What about you, Lily-pad - I'd bet my last silver you were a grade-A student - What was your subject?"