[quote=@StormLord] Where do you envision this sitting on the angsty-edgy matrix? Angst is an inherent part of the setting, especially with Nobodies, but there's also usually a good amout of plucky hopeful optimism to balance it out and I don't want to get stuck in an endless loop of everything being bad. [/quote] It will be fairly edgy. Our characters are not in a great spot. They've lost what they cared for most, and now they work tirelessly to prevent the rest of the verse from suffering the same fate. But that doesn't mean it has to be all doom and gloom. Characters will deal with this situation in different ways, and some will put on a brighter face than others. More than that, there is some hope left in them - otherwise they wouldn't even be trying to make a difference. There will be victories and accomplishments I'm sure; probably even some new friends will be made. But yeah it definitely isn't going to be as happy and hopeful as when Sora's around. [quote]What are your plans for conflict resolution/game structure? Is it going to be exclusively narrative focused, a basic dice system, or will there be actual RPG elements?[/quote] I want it to mostly be resolved narratively, but I will provide some guidelines. I'll ask each player to roughly rate their strengths in different areas, and to describe their most important abilities. This is mostly just to get an idea what each of us is working with. When I introduce an enemy, I will give brief tags OOC to indicate how powerful they are and how much auto-hitting is acceptable. Basically there will be very minor mechanics - mostly just guidelines for our narrative battles. [quote=@Mendicant Bias] I'm interested [/quote] Welcome! I can't wait to see what you come up with. c: