
[quote= ][color=pink]"So it would seem.

Come, sit. Did you sleep well? The pillows were soft, were they not?  I was quite satisfied."[/color][/quote]

Lillianna would lightly nod her head up and down in response to MacKensie's question before sitting down at the table, joining Zell and MacKensie as she leaned her staff against the side of the table. The pillows had been rather comfortable, enough so that she'd perhaps gone a bit overboard and piled several more spare ones on her bed for the sake of added comfort. Certainly after everything else that had happened, though, the mage felt she could have passed out asleep on a piece of cardboard after all of that....not that she would [i]want[/i] to do that in all honesty. 

[quote= ]"Mornin Lily-pad."[/quote]

...She wasn't escaping that nickname any time soon, was she? Ah, but it was all in good spirits wasn't it? 

[color=gold]"Things were comfortable enough, though....well, it turns out the poor maid got a magical surprise of her own after trying to wake me. Like the hospital all over again..."[/color] 

Lillianna lightly grimaced as she remembered the event of not that overly long ago once more, her arms resting on the table as she let her head fall into them with a soft 'clunk' coming from the table underneath. Yes, she'd nearly electrocuted someone else. Again. Or nearly set a building on fire at least. Again. Then again, they hadn't been in this world too long and she'd already nearly died (again, poetically enough) and a slew of other things. All after waking up in a large stone coffin that had nearly hit the ground on its side, suddenly in different clothes and with this staff and all of that mess. It was...it would still be a lot to try to process, even as they had to keep moving onward with all of this. That she knew for a certainty. 

[quote][color=pink]"Zell and I were just telling eachother our plans for the day.  I was going to have a walk around the city, enjoy the sights, maybe take some lunch at a restaurant if I find a good one.  And then I have some shopping to do as I simply will not live with only a single change of clothes.

Perhaps you would like to join me.  Enjoy some girl-time.  What do you say?"[/color][/quote]

The mage brought her head back up as MacKensie spoke to her again, though at the invitation to do some shopping and spend some girl-time she breifly seemed to freeze for a second. Like she was reminded of something, perhaps, though as to how pleasant that reminder was would be up for debate. Then after a moment of that she seemed to breathe and relax again, a rather small smile appearing on her face as she looked back at the Frenchwoman. 

[color=gold]"I would be delighted to join you, MacKensie. Though if we get the chance, there would be a place I'd like to visit before the end of the day as well."[/color] 

The Church of Iris. The place she'd been directed to by the Elven Guildmaster the other day after she'd tried to ask about that ghost back in the Mazy Hillocks. She didn't want to forget that, even if the Academy was tugging at her intellectual heartstrings and curiosity well enough right now as well. A day of relaxing before visiting the Church, though, that felt like something of a good idea to her outright. Needed something else to do and occupy herself after everything, and it wasn't like she had some shows to watch like she'd have availible back home. That being said, though, she also felt happy to be invited along by someone else...though she had to remind herself it wasn't the same people who'd have invited her back home in this case. Yes, that was definitely a notable difference there for more than one reason. 

When approached about something to eat, the mage would simply ask for the same thing MacKensie and Zell got. It seemed to look and smell good enough to her nose, and she'd get it with a glass of fruit juice if she could as well. This would ultimately get her a most delicious-seeming breakfast, steaming as it came out of the back and over to the table, though she was pleased to find the same fruit juice from the prior night in her glass once more. She'd need to ask about it later in the evening, as for now the self-admittedly hungry mage would begin to politely dig into the plate of food in front of her as her body and muscles shouted for some kind of sustenance. Sustenance indeed was the main thing, but she also hoped for the increased energy to help give her better awareness to [u]not[/u] almost electrocute someone and set a building on fire moving forward throughout the rest of the day. If possible.