[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230120/a43c1391d36ad41d7b3afa38147dbe11.png[/img][/center] [color=6ecff6][i]"Thank god is open"[/i][/color] There was a small worry on his heart as they made their way to the guild, that maybe this was their version of Sunday [i]-Note to self: Investigate the calendar these people used-[/i] but maybe luck was on his side for one, now it was just a matter of registering Barracker and then they could be on their merry way, him on the next item of his list and Barracker to do Barracker things. [quote=Little Tepito] [color=green]“James, wait…”[/color] Barracker paused briefly. [color=green]“I live with the affliction of vampirism.” He looked for a reaction. “You are not in any danger, I can assure you. I just thought you should be aware. People generally don’t take too kindly to my condition.”[/color] [/quote] Hearing Barracker's question left James confused for a second, worried for another, and bemused for a third. Though not for the reasons that should be expected. [color=6ecff6][i]"Wait! Are these guys like, racist?"[/i][/color] He couldn't discount the possibility but on the flip side it could be more simple like vampirism=bad/dangerous, something closer to home, at least on the aspect of fearing someone based on their condition [color=6ecff6]"I am going to be honest with you dude, up to this point I had never seen a real vampire and just assumed you were of a different race"[/color] Honesty was the way to go in his opinion [color=6ecff6]"But still, if you say your condition is under control I have no reason to doubt you"[/color] Better to throw a disclaimer to avoid further misunderstandings [color=6ecff6]"I should also mention, my- well I guess I should say [i]our[/i] party members and me come from very far away, to the point that many things around here are really strange to us, other races being one of them. But still don't worry about being judged early and for no reason"[/color] A thought crossed his mind and he let out a chuckle [color=6ecff6]"Fuck, I mean, realistically just based on the history of our respective homes with each other Mac and I should dislike each other, Adam and Lilly should hate Joji and viceversa and everyone should be plotting on killing Zell, so don't worry too hard 'kay?"[/color] Sayings so he reached and opened the doors to the guild, before looking back at the Paladin [color=6ecff6]"You coming?"[/color] [center]-----------------------------------------[/center] Moving to the second floor again he knocked on the Guild Master door until he was given permission to enter and once inside didn't waste a second to explain the situation. [color=6ecff6]"Hey there Lucy, sorry if this is not the correct process but I would like to register a new member for our party please"[/color]