[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/D9OBI9j.png[/img][/center] The awkward energy at the table was something that MacKensie had tried to ignore, but forced to acknowledge several times. Perhaps it was just [i]her[/i] - all in her own head - and thus, [i]she[/i] was the one supplying the awkwardness, which would be rare as she was used to being able get along in social situations, even with strangers. Rare but not totally impossible. Either or; words whittling to silence felt rather pronounced to the frenchwoman. Pronounced and very awkward. [Colour=Pink]"Good morning, Fenna."[/colour] Thank god for Fenna. MacKensie hoped that the older woman would recue the situation - a situation that only got worse when Zell turned MacKensie's question about university studies onto the Lillianna, who completely ignored him. The weakest of forced laughs quietly came from the frenchwoman who, because of her upbringing, was so fragile to things like bad etiquette and manners. MacKensie clamoured for a way to brush over the moment. [Colour=Pink]"Errr, and I would bet my last silver that you are quite the opposite of a Grade-A student, Zell Brooks,"[/colour] she said, half-joking. [Colour=Pink]"Let me guess: Late to classes? Late with assignments? Too busy with extra-curricular activites?"[/colour] MacKensie uncrossed her legs to cross them the other way. When there was a chance, she decided to [s]beg[/s] invite Fenna to come along and spend the day with them. [Colour=Pink]"Umm, Fenna...?"[/colour] she started. [Colour=Pink]"Lillianna and I are off to the shops to buy a few things for our stay in the city - maybe take a walk and look around, get a bite for lunch. Would you care to join us?"[/colour]