[u][center][b]Jayda~I~Sish~I~Strago: Fallenreaper, Rtron, and Ultimate523[/b][/center][/u]

Several days, Jayda’s inner clock silently kept track, had passed since their arrival on the timeless ship. For one who grew up on a planet forever fixed on its axis, keeping score of the day and night cycle was simple within the drab ship. A trick, one among many, which had kept her sane during the four years Sish tried to convince her to become his apprentice. She reflected a bit with surprise when thoughts over those terrible years didn’t draw as much as she expected. Instead of the burning desire to just ball up and fist and crack, her hand merely tightened over sink edge then released. 
Why had it chosen now to start fading?
This was a problem. One that could grow worse and end up weakening her, ultimately costing her the revenge her brother so rightfully desired, not to forget likely getting her killed. It didn’t help she had bluntly avoided Sish’s company since that day, only having contact at bare minim, partly out of fear that his image would’ve provoked her sooner than planned. However, his absent had seemed to have a worse effect then she could’ve foreseen. Or was it something deeper than him altogether? 
Jayda couldn’t lie to herself, even if it was easier, but something had started to affect her. Truthfully it could anything. The highest explanation was the fact the torture secessions had started to affect her, the dullness and endless cycle of suffering without a reason seemed to be pointless. Each one’s length had started to grow notable shorter and forced her to lie to Sish, pretended there were other reasons for it. So far he had believed her yet the Apprentice couldn't expect it to last forever. Then she would find his claws across her throat or more likely, in a fight for her life ending being slowly ripped apart. Would what she stored be enough when that time came? It was a question Jayda didn’t want to investigate. 
Irritated, she tossed the distracting thoughts away and readied herself for the day. She had quickly slipped into fresh robes and pulled her hair back into its usual braid, once more kept her eyesight clear of obstructions. Finally ready and ensured her lightsaber was in its proper place, right at her hips side, Jayda started out of the room. 

Sish was waiting for her as she left, leaning against the wall. He himself hadn't been torturing Jedi prisoners over the past few days. Too busy getting used to both his new eye and his ankle. But he had been keeping an eye on what Jayda was doing during the torture sessions. For the first few days, she had been fine. Even if she had been avoiding him, she had been doing what was expected of a Sith. Nothing to raise suspicions about her dedication. It was only during the later days that he had been noticing a downward trend. It was subtle things, things that most wouldn't have noticed. But he did. He had watched her reactions for years. She was growing disgusted and disconcerted with the torture. It seemed that her will, her hate, her anger, was dying down. 

He'd have to do something about that. 

"Good morning." He said, casually, as if she hadn't been avoiding him at all costs for a the past few days. "Good news! Your favorite Jedi is being moved from the Medbay today, and we're supposed to make sure he doesn't do another escape, or run into any trouble that will get him maimed again while we put him back into his cell. Who knows, mabye he'll cause trouble and you'll be able to pay him back. If not, I'm sure you'll be the first one allowed to torture him. We could even make a detour by the torture chambers." He watched her reaction, closely. 

Jayda's expression was blank, yet there was clear annoyance when she saw who was waiting outside for her. Her jaw tensed and teeth threatened to gnash a bit until she mentally rolled her eyes. Not again, she thought, her mind already drawn to just detouring the other way. However that was impossible. It wouldn't look right to the Sith if she decided against his wishes and knowing Sish, like she disgustingly did, then he would like go overboard with his punishments if the Jedi showed the same resistance in following commands. Jayda doubted Sish would've had the restraint or notion to threaten another to solve this problem.
She inhaled yet held her tongue against objecting. Instead she answered in an indifferent voice as she finished stepping out of her temporary quarters, her eyes fixed on the Lizard. "And why would it matter if he was maim to you? If I remember right, you've already maimed him enough before and then had the troopers toss him back into his cell." 
Jayda had at least heard the rumors circling about from the escape through she wasn't surprise at what she heard. She then added to her statement before he could reply, a simple answer. "My last method seemed ineffective and I've yet to find another, better one yet." 
The last bit was a flat out lie, her memory knew better as she recalled how the Jedi reacted each time she had threatened another. First it was the Padawan and then the female Jedi, the one who suffered from Sish's last torture, which had gotten the Apprentice minor results. She just merely didn't push the boundaries of that weakness...unless she had to. 

Sish shrugged. "I may have, but that was when he was armed with two lightsabers and bent on escaping at all costs." He gave gesture to his eye. "Clearly. But now, he's a prisoner with no chance of escaping at all and little of defending himself properly. Nyiss specifically said that we shouldn't cut off anything that didn't grow back while we were torturing them. And while most won't bother to kill me until last, preferably never, as they don't think I'm a threat, Nyiss herself would love to find an excuse to feed me to a Sithspawn or worse. I do have basic self-preservation instincts."

He gestured for her to walk fowards, and continued when they were heading to the medbay. "Oh? Your last method? The one you've been using since the beginning?" He may have not been able to watch, but the cameras had caught everything. He continued, "You know, I find myself wondering more and more often what your brother would have been like if he had just been stronger. Maybe he wouldn't be a slowly killed pile of gore and limbs. Maybe he'd have actually amounted to something more then a pathetic weakling whose sister needed to protect him." Sish shrugged. "I suppose we'll never find out. I'll just have to go on the assumption he wouldn't have."

That key sentence: The one you've been using since the beginning. It heightened her alert, her body tried to tense only to be denied, and the alarms gone off in her head. Something wasn't right as he then drifted towards the past, namely her brother, her teeth gritted against replying and for several second just walked. Her steps echoed off the hallway, a reminder where she was. Her reply fought for indifferent, the anger there even if it was faint. 
"I figured you would've [i]happy[/i] about my current methods," her words struggled not to spit the word out, "The assumption was also made when you thought I was dead, a mistake you made. Mehinn was a great warrior but it just proves...something like you can win in the right situation. Why now do your thoughts dwell on the past?" 
She kept her pace mostly in tune with his, but the corner of her eyes sought a way out of this and intended to keep to the shortest route possible. This conversation was unnerving to her and even angered her to a degree, a smaller one than expected. Just like her anger when she thought about the Lizard, something that confused and alarmed her somewhat. 
Sish chuckled gently. "If that is what he was, I shudder to think of what your worst warrior was. And if it proves that, then I've been in the right situation for years upon years, haven't I? Through the frontlines of the War, through the forests of Kashyyk, and the deserts of Tatooine. You can personally vouch for the latter two, can't you? The Wookies and those villagers, especially that little girl, certainly can. As for why the sudden thoughts, because they're your fuel." 

"The past is what keeps you hating me, what keeps you angry, what feeds your emotions. You let go of that and..." He shrugged. "Who knows what might happen. The Jedi might even get through to you, and you might get away from the path of justice and vengeance. You would leave the dead spirit of your brother eternally howling for my blood, all because you listened to your weakness. Of course, if you could find other emotions, there wouldn't be a problem, would there?" 

He could tell she was angry, but not to the usual degree. Not good. Perhaps more drastic measures were required.

Jayda's lip lifted at his chuckle but there wasn't her usual hiss back at him. It seemed the time away from Sish had made her tolerance for his presence grow somewhat, a fact she noted herself and pushed it away. Naturally he would've went back to those two trials, clear demonstrations of his cruelty and viciousness even onto those he found worthy to be his Apprentice. She didn't want to remember either one as both made her hurt beyond words, though it was in different ways. Her steps stopped suddenly, their path ceased just outside the medical bay, her sight watched the Lizard halt then turn to her. 
"I doubt that, Jedi would likely sooner kill me for what I've done then allow me to live. As for the past... you know I can't forget it even if I wanted to. The hell you put me through is the reason I want to kill you but I'm not foolish enough to risk my life carelessly. Until then I'm only buying my time." She started to move pass him, eager to get this task done and over with. 

Sish shrugged, then used the Force to slam her into the hallway wall across from the Medbay. "You seem to have forgotten," He said as she was picked up and slammed back down into the floor. "what type of environment you're in." Up she went again, crashing into the wall next to him. "You need powerful emotions. Hate, anger, love, fear. The only two you seem to be able of producing are your greatest weapons." [i]Thud.[/i] She slammed back into the wall in front of him. The Medical staff hurriedly got out of the way, not questioning why the Apprentice was being punished. That was between her and her Master. "Control is fine. Hoard your emotions, nurture them." 

[i]Thud[/i]. The ceiling got a new dent. "Calm, however, will get you killed. Calm, is what the Jedi do. Calm is what gets them killed." [i]Thud.[/i] And back to the floor. "You're already walking a thin line, being 'impure'. Showing that you have Jedi tendencies would be like throwing yourself into a pit of Sithspawn." [i]Thud.[/i] She was back at the wall, held there by her throat. "If you want to not only kill me, but survive the aftermath, I'd suggest you find emotions that you can cling to. You wouldn't want to lose your power and a key moment, would you?"

He held her there for a few moments, before letting her go and walking into the Medbay. "We still have to deliever the Jedi." He called over his shoulder.

Jayda knew what was coming the moment she felt Sish's force jerk her about. [i]Shit![/i] She cursed mentally when she curled her head and shielding it with her arms. Pain exploded within her body when she slammed forcefully into the far wall. The Apprentice bite back the scream as she fell to all fours, her hand started to reach for her lightsaber in her reaction and counter his next move. Jayda hesitated for a moment, fighting that need to defending herself, driven by the fact if she reacted then likely he would kill her right then and there! Again she felt herself rise into the air and was forced back down. Hard. Immediately the breath was knocked from her lungs, leaving it hard to breath. She could feel her muscles bruise from the power placed into each toss, her body helpless and once again reminded of her weakness. 
The wall next to him was where she landed next. With each hit, it won't be hard for Sish to note the emotions gain strength again. Hate seemed to claw inside a new, mainly while her body kept hitting wall and floor alike. There was little on her body left not hurting. How could she have fucking let this happen, Jayda screamed at herself. His words were lost in the sea of pain and anger, but his actions were something she couldn't ignore. They were a physical reminder of how weak she was. How easily he could still kill her and worse of all, how far she had to go. It seemed the Zabrak hadn't gone forward, instead taken two wide steps backwards. A fact she found pissed her more than anything. 
Finally the throwing had ceased. Now he held her there with his force, his words cutting her right there. Her windpipe slightly crushed, breathing hard and shallow, while they seemed frozen in place. She knew she looked more like an animal in that scene. Her eyes heated, body pushed fruitless at his force grip, and filled with the clear desire to kill him. Absentmindedly her hand was upon her light saber despite her helplessness, that strong will to survive still alive within her. Jayda didn't realize she was growling until her hazy mind finally registered his words, the final ones. 
A few moments longer, her air ran thin, until finally he released her. Jayda's raw throat gasped and coughed a bit from the oxygen rush entering her lungs again. Her face clearly showed the evidence, her busted lip bleed and a few bruises had started to form, clear physical reminders of her mistake. The Zabrak refused to fall to her knees again and struggled to remain upright, her feet widened their stance from her stubbornness. Her hand now gripped her weapon and seemed to have an inner conflict, namely about drawing or not. She bore her hatred into his back but said nothing, her body pulled upright before she forced her hand to return to her side. That desire to kill him seemed to have festered once more. The back of Jayda's hand wiped away the blood which had trickled down her mouth side and along the jawline. The bruises she would keep to be evidence of what her carelessness had caused. 
Ignoring the hurt, her eyes never left him as she followed her worse enemy into the medbay. It would be difficult, more than ever, not to kill him now but she'd manage...for now. 

Strago looked around a bit as he continued to watch the many movements within the medical bay. His focus wasn't nearly as strong as it had been early on when he had just entered the Kolto, something that was slightly frustrating at times. However, it was strong enough to be able to sense a stronger dark energy than he normally had during his time there. It was coming closer as the liquid in the tank drained away, and the medics moved carefully around, taking off the equipment still on him as he was being released.

Strago didn't bother resisting, or causing any issues as the process went on. It was largely droids sent to deal with him. He assumed it was because of the other medics fear of what a Jedi could do, especially one who had escaped before, and somehow managed to get his leg cut off with a lightsaber afterward, which lead to many assumptions.

It took a moment before he really began to move much, taking his time with every small movement, glad to be outside of the tank, and to have all the extra room rather than being cramped in it. Many eyes were focused on him, and he was very aware of it, but it didn't bother him at all. He could tell that something unnatural was still effecting his mind, which he didn't like at all, but he remained calm despite it.

One of the medics had said something about getting his clothing, and it reminded Strago of how little he was wearing. He looked down at the tight pants on him that didn't go very far down his thighs, the only clothing he had at the moment. It was strange, but it didn't bother him. He had spent enough time on the ship topless already to be used to that part of it, and the time in the Kolto was enough to be used to the pants as well.

He looked over toward where the darker energy was coming from, and saw Sish, and Jayda. It helped explain why he was being taken out now rather than earlier despite being fine for a little while now. He wasn't particularly happy about it, but it was too obvious to really feel negatively about either.

After a short while longer, someone came back with his clothing, and it was still noticeably damaged. He looked at it for several moments, contemplating on how useful it even was at this point, but knew it would still be better than what he had on at the moment. He put it on relatively quickly, feeling odd about doing so in front of so many, but not caring all that much otherwise.

Once he had his own pants back on, he looked around once more, constantly keeping Sish, and Jayda in the corner of his eye, knowing that if anything were to happen, they'd likely be the biggest threat. He moved away from them slowly in the hope that it would somehow help him while also doing his best to remain aware of everything despite his mind struggling to focus.

Sish could feel her eyes on his back, her hatred, her desire to kill him. But she wouldn't act on it. She was too cautious, to sure that she was too weak to kill him after that display. But it was a good thing that she was put back on the proper track. The lack of proper...motivation, was slightly concerning. Without motivation, she would have doubts, if she didnt already, and that could lead her to the teaching of the Jedi. Then he would have to kill her and that would just be a waste of years of effort. He alerted the medical staff that they had arrived, and were ready to move the prisoner. 

The medical staff removed him from his Kolto Tank, and Sish kept both eyes on him, one claw near his lightsaber. The Jedi might be unarmed and drugged, but it was better to be on the safe side than to be surprised when the Jedi made another escape attempt. He didnt look at Jayda, but the grin on face may not have been entirely for Strago alone. While he waited for the Jedi to be able to move, he commented to Jayda, "It seems that you are not the only one who was feeling out of it. You think a little bit of physical abuse would help him too?" 

As soon as Strago began moving, Sish strode over to him and grabbed his arm. With perhaps more force than necessary. "Good to see that you have recovered. Time to go back to your cell and await more horrific tortures." Sish said, cheerfully. It was all too apparent he was hoping Strago would give him a reasonable excuse cause him harm.

Jayda could feel the tense, even though her foul mood, her body still freshly ached from her ordeal. It was a wake up call for her, one she would heed, even if did some good. Her body only made into the doorway then moved off to the side, her back leaned up against the back despite the sting from the pressure. The Apprentice bite her tongue to keep from hissing her silent suffering, tensing only when Sish spoke and head whipped about to face him. 

Her hard eyes stared at the Lizard and absorbed his comment, his smirk enflamed her inner storm. Finally, her answer was spoken in a dark tone. "Let's just deliver him to his cell and be done with this. He's already escaped once and I rather avoid giving him another chance to repeat his success." 

She knew Sish and the Jedi had already proven a decent match, unlike herself lately, so any torture would've been unbear for the man. It would likely be closer to her own less then a year ago, her mind flipped over the memories only to shake their effects off. She didn't need the distraction or the reminder, it was bad enough Sish had easily tossed her about like some pitiful rag toy. Her eyes watched Sish's usual charm shine through when he took hold of the Jedi, his claw likely dug into the flesh close enough to bleed if given the chance.

"Sish..." a simple mention of his name, her voice venomous, gave a hint to her impatience. 

Strago could feel Sish moving closer to him before he slowly turned to look at him, feeling his arm gripped tightly afterward. He listened to the comment following it, and laughed slightly at it, mostly out of an actual feeling of amusement, and not any attempt at mocking him. He looked right into his eyes, quickly noticing the effects of their duel many days ago now, "It's nice to see that you've recovered as well." He replied, a mix of a smirk, and a genuine smile appearing on his face as he said it, the drugs that had been used in the Kolto allowing him to feel slightly more free with his words, and actions, even if it wasn't the wisest choice.

It took a moment more before he looked over Sish fully, taking a slight note of his state despite being unsure of how much he would remember. Once he did, he briefly looked over at Jayda, and smirked slightly more again, "I see only Sith who enjoyed their time with me were allowed to come here." He added, and looked back toward Sish, "Though I can move fine on my own, my scaly friend." He added further, and nodded slightly toward his grip on his arm, knowing the comment likely wouldn't help, but feeling the need to say it regardless.

Sish flashed a grin at Jayda as he heard the venomn in her voice. Things were going to back to normal it seemed. However, before he could comment, the Jedi spoke, causing Sish to turn to him. "Yes, I have. Admittedly you don't need two eyes to break bones and tear muscle, but it certainly helps." If the Jedi wasn't tring to get a reaction out of him, he was failing. Sish had all the time he needed to pay back Strago for insult an injuries. All he had to do was wait. 

"Yes, well didn't want you wandering off again. You have a nasty habit of going places you're not supposed to be going." He only tightened his grip in response to Strago's final comment. "I'm sure you can. I just prefer to be able to break something quickly if you try to go wandering again. Wouldn't you like to, Jayda?"

Jayda knew the Jedi had been drugged, not that she could blame the medical staff, when he commented on Sish's well being and smiled in that odd way. After all the man, rumors of a Twi'lek Jedi and other possible ones, had managed to escape during the explosion so caution was currently the best option. Her mind floated back at mention of the explosion and what had helped in avoiding Sish. Any previous searches gleaning for informantion had been a fruitless chase which kept leading her into circles the few last few days, much to her annoyance. 

Her face frowned deeply at Sish's grin from what he had arranged finally and his recent punishment. It seemed she would have to tread carefully now. Sish of course over looked that and merely told the Jedi, in his own way, that he was still able to likely he Jedi suffer later. When Sish tightened his claws, Jayda inwardly considering snapping at Sish as he seemed to push his damn boundary and tightened his grip. Instead she stood there in silence until his question reached her. 

"Our presence is to prevent that and keep in mind what the Darth said, even during recapture. Unlike you, I take orders, namely when failing to follow them, very, [i]very[/i] seriously. Now, can we get going?" Jayda said coldly before she beckoned the two to move. 

Strago continued smiling at Sish as he spoke once again, grinning a bit as the grip on his arm tightened. It was painful, but Strago didn't care much, the drugs making him feel oddly bubbly at the moment, and causing him to grin even wider for a moment after Sish's comments before pouting jokingly, "And here I thought you just wanted me closer for a hug." He said, and smiled again, looking over toward Jayda as she spoke, then back toward Sish, "I take it she's having a splendid day, as she always does with me around?" He asked sarcastically, his smile remaining as he did, not moving much due to the grip on his arm.

Sish chuckled, ignoring Strago's first comment. "Something like that. Let's get going then. Wouldn't want to encourage anything that would lead to you trying to escape, and me testing my Apprentice's patience, any more than I already have." He began walking towards the cells, tugging Strago forward. He'd rather not waste time chatting with the Jedi prisoner. 'Impure' Sith are already on thin ice, without the added problem of rumors that they were Jedi sympathizers. Most would believe that without searching for more evidence. The Darth certainly would, and they would end up like the Apprentice who had killed a captive. Only dying far more slowly. 

As the walked, Sish commented to Jayda, "So, seeing as your last method," There was a small sarcastic inflection on the word 'last. "hasn't been as effective as you had hoped, do you have any other plans for interrogation?"

Jayda was relieved when Sish had finally decided to stop prolonging her wait. The longer time she spent in his company, the worse those dark desires of killing had started to gnaw at her mind and harder it was not to reach for her weapon. She had to be careful more then ever but her emotions seemed not to listen to the reasoning. The Apprentice remained silent until Sish's question shattered it, her eyes turned to look at his head back as she was following behind the both of them. 

She didn't like that question. Not one bit because it screamed trouble, and her iinstincts were normally right. There was two options in this situation, either one could risk her life if Sish suspected she was lying and to what degree of suffering she would endure. Time ticked by while her mind sought out a reasonable answer. "Lately I haven't considered one, namely after the likely attempt on my life and trying to seek out a lead." She didn't bother adding that she hit too many dead ends, her focus split and conflicted most that she made little success. 

The Zabrak then added, her voice accusing him subtly. "There's only one I know and that's because of four years worth in enduring it. Physical maiming, starvation, and Force Lightning was a continual favorite of yours after all. My experience in other methods is lacking like other areas..." 

"Very well." Strago said as Sish began tugging on him. He could still very much feel the drugs effecting him, and didn't like it much, but it somehow made the who experience more tolerable. Once the Sith began to speak once more, he made sure to pay a lot of attention to their words, wanting as much information as he could get, but also doing his best to seem like he was more focused on getting the drugs out of his system, shaking his head occasionally, and rubbing it a bit as they walked. 

He occasionally glanced toward Sish, and even Jayda as they moved, instinctively looking for any weaknesses he could find, but knew it would likely be a terrible idea to take advantage of any. However, he also knew that if he remembered them, they could be useful in the future. Whether he would remember, or not, with his current state of mind, he wasn't sure, but he did his best to despite it.

Sish waited patiently, keeping a firm grip on Strago's arm. She couldn't leave without causing disobeying Nyiss, and she wasn't so foolish as to do that. And she could not simply keep silent, otherwise his supiscions would be raised. In other words, he had her just where he wanted her. So he waited for her to compose an answer, noting with some amusement Strago's occasional glances. He knew the Jedi was looking for weaknesses. How? Because that's what he would be doing if he was in Strago's place. And after the man's display of combat that cost him his eye, the Trandoshan thought they were very similar. 

"Fair enough. And I'm sure you could research other methods if you weren't occupied with more important things." Such a surviving the politics of the Sith. "I myself don't care enough to change my methods. They tend to work very well on those like the Jedi. Unless they're like you of course. Then I will have to change...but I doubt they are."

"Sadly, that's likely to get you killed since you rarely change anything." Jayda answered with a bitterness, her focus on getting through the hallway and gone before her mind could carry out anything she would regret. His questions of late had drawn her to increase her worry. Something wasn't right about it and she didn't like it, her eyes had noted his amusement at the Jedi trying to rid himself of the drugs effects. 

A few more steps echoed down the hallway before she continued."If I hadn't stopped you, then likely your first victim would've died. The Padawan was clearly not built for combat or pain. I rather not deal with the hassle that comes with that result." 

Her mind made a guess, namely from what she tried to memorize from her wanderings within the ship, that shortly the Jedi's cell block would come into view. This was taking far too long for her liking but she would have to endure it. To risk leaving Sish alone with the Jedi was simply asking for something to go wrong and she doubted very much Sish could control himself this time. 

Strago considered speaking at several moments, but didn't show it, only thinking about it. He did his best not to bring any extra attention to himself, wanting to be as forgotten as possible by the Sith so that they would hopefully speak slightly more casually. Judging by what they were saying, he wasn't going to get any useful information, but actually speaking also wouldn't help the matter.

He kept up at Sish's pace, occasionally looking around the ship as well, doing his best to remember it for the future. Things looked more familiar than the first time he was taken out, but the time in Kolto had also allowed him to forget some of it. Part of him wondered if they were even taking him directly to his cell, but he didn't think about it too much, knowing that it wouldn't be useful to think about at all, instead focusing as best as he could on the conversation, and movements of the Sith, occasionally closing his eyes for a second, or two as he felt the drugs get to him slightly more.

"Possibly. Or, the Padawan would have cracked soon after and told me what I wanted to know. Besides. If he wasn't strong enough to survive that, it is little wonder that we captured him. The apprentice this one held hostage could have captured him. We wouldn't benefit from turning him. His only use is his information, and he may not even have that." The feeling of his Achilles tendon being worked by it's machine brought back a recent memory, and Sish corrected himself. "Well...maybe I'm speaking too quickly. He did nearly kill me in a rage." 

Oddly enough, the Trandoshand didn't seem all that concerned with his brush with death. Perhaps it was because he had to deal with someone wnating to kill him on a daily basis. Perhaps it was because he had fought on the frontline battlefields of the war and survived. Or maybe it was something else. Regardless, the notion 

Jayda's guess proved correct, as they rounded a corner and Strago's new cell came into sight. "This is our stop. Welcome to your new cell."

The Zabrak noted the change in Sish's words, his rush to a conclusion clearly changed and made her realize who exactly had been responsible for the latest damage. She would have to make a habit to watch the interrogations with this Pawadan, both to ensure he was killed or destroyed her current target. It won't do much good for her if Sish died before she was ready and not at her hands. "Speaking too quickly and jumping conclusions is a common thing with you, something I wouldn't expect differently from...someone like you."

She reached over and pressed the cell panel to open the bulkdoors then stepped back, her head motioned for the Jedi to step. "In. Now." 

Strago focused a bit more on his surroundings as Sish said they were close to the cell. He stopped as they got to it, looking at it as he did. It didn't feel like the same place somehow, though he wasn't sure how he could tell. Despite that, he knew it was likely still where they wanted him.

As Jayda opened the door, and spoke, Strago laughed a bit, and smiled as he looked toward her, "It's your turn to be friendly to me now, huh?" He asked jokingly, then slowly moved toward the cell, his head still mostly facing her, and turning slightly more toward Sish to look at both of them, "Have a nice day." He added with a slight nod before finally going into the cell block, and toward one of the cells. He looked around slightly, but didn't feel much like talking to anyone, instead just laying down on the bed, and rubbing his head a bit, trying to use the focus he could muster to help get rid of the drugs.

Sish let Strago go, smirking at the Jedi's final words. "They must have given him something powerful." He commented off-handedly to Jayda, before walking away, in the opposite direction of the Medlab. "You should probably go check to make sure nothing is broken." He called over his shoulder, grinning. He had made his point and fixed the problem. Staying any longer would just be asking her to lose control and that wouldn't do at all. Not yet anyways. 

"Tch." She merely said, her eyes watched him head the opposite way down the hall from Medical. His machine whirled and grinded in its efforts to move him along and to her relief, beyond her sight. Jayda, in her angry and fury, merely turned on her heel and walked away. The ache was strengthened by her fast movements but she still managed to call backwards at him. "Try to stay alive... As I keep repeating myself, getting yourself killed does no good, yidaj'ter..."