[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fallout-new-vegas-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230112/f7d774d3ec20946c1b1c06b083a1b2cd.png[/img][/url][/center] Zell was never the brightest bulb in the box, plus one might even consider himself a little narcissistic, which would explain why he rarely ever considered any negative reaction to him a product of his own doing. Some people, in his position, would've noticed Lillianna's cold non-response to his introduction and joke upon their first meeting. Most would've at least realised something might be amiss when she ignored his call for the team to gather round when he gave them all their first formation, in spite of the life/death importance of it. Or when he greeted her the prior morning and offered a hand to help her up and she ignored it. And now, as she joined them at the table, neglected to respond to his greeting and then proceeded to ignore his question... the average person might realise that maybe, just maybe, the wizard didn't like him. [i]Wow, she's hungry,[/i] the swordsman thought with a grin. Zell didn't notice a thing. MacKensie was the one to respond, bouncing back a little banter. [Colour=Pink]"...Let me guess: Late to classes? Late with assignments? Too busy with extra-curricular activites?"[/colour] "Ha! Ye know me too well, [i]already[/i]." He scratched the back of his head with a cheeky grin. The truth was that he was starting to get his act together in school, the last few months. He'd curtailed any ambitions of scaling up his drug-dealing operation. He was starting to attend all of his lectures without exception. He'd even delegate money-counting, pill-packaging and other duties to more of his boys while he sat in the room and studied for upcoming exams, even yelling for 'quiet' at times when idle conversation was distracting him. Zell was starting to be serious about getting his graduate degree. After Fenna had sorted plans with MacKensie and Lillianna, Zell nodded. "Sounds like a good time." Then he stood up. "Well, I'll leave you lovely ladies to it, then. Have fun, will ya." With that, he left them to go to his room and grab ninja's sword. He left his armour pieces and his his own sword in his room, only taking his satchel with his money, then he went back downstairs, throwing a hand up in leui of a wave to his friends as he went across the bar-room floor before exiting the establishment. As the door shut behind him, he placed his hands on his hips and took a whiff of the air as he looked around. A tour around the city might be a good idea - check out what these Mytherians like to call 'leisure.' He'd also not forgotten MacKensie's warning that; the Witch Queen's war might be hitting the city soon. Information regarding or tangential to that might be worth sniffing out. [i]Lucy Bottrill might be a good source, on that front,[/i] was his first thought. But first; to business. This sword wouldn't appraise itself.