[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230630/dbab70c9b1cdcc2c03d8d06889f71821.png[/img][/center] [color=6ecff6]"I am going to be honest with you dude, up to this point I had never seen a real vampire and just assumed you were of a different race"[/color] James was partially correct on the matter, he seemed to think Barracker was a ‘pure blood’; one who was born a vampire. Barracker was turned when he was bitten and so was labelled as a ‘lesser vampire.’ There were several ranks of vampire based on the strength of the blood, but people like Barracker would always be at the bottom of the hierarchy. [color=6ecff6]"But still, if you say your condition is under control I have no reason to doubt you"[/color] Barracker gave the cleric a nod of reassurance but with an admiration for the cleric's level-headedness about the situation. He felt it was a nice change of reaction, seeing as most people could not be reasoned with so easily. [color=6ecff6]"I should also mention, my- well I guess I should say [i]our[/i] party members and me come from very far away, to the point that many things around here are really strange to us, other races being one of them. But still don't worry about being judged early and for no reason"[/color] Barracker nodded again, in answer to his statement. Feeling at ease and also remarkably interested at his answer. [Colour=Green][i] Far away huh, how far could he be to where other races are really strange to humans?[/i][/colour] There were other races all over Mytheria. He must have been tucked away in the far corners of the empire or maybe even from over the sea, but he had never heard of that before. [color=6ecff6]"Fuck, I mean, realistically just based on the history of our respective homes with each other Mac and I should dislike each other, Adam and Lilly should hate Joji and viceversa and everyone should be plotting on killing Zell, so don't worry too hard 'kay?"[/color] Barrackers eyebrows lifted slightly, he was taken back a bit by this mystery which got deeper and deeper. [color=6ecff6]"You coming?"[/color] All in all, James had been more than understanding about it all. Barracker was very grateful and surprised to feel optimistic about the future. He almost cracked a smile at his newly found companion. As the two went inside and walked through the guild hall. He was reminded of a fond memory, in which he, his best friend Krillen and his childhood sweetheart Evelyne tried to join and make an adventurer party. Not only were they a mere twelve years of age, but none of them had been blessed with the gift of the source crystal yet. The guildmaster had been kind to them, but firmly rejected them. When Barracker saw who was in charge of the running of the guild, he realised it was still fun, Lucy Bottrill. [color=6ecff6]"Hey there Lucy, sorry if this is not the correct process but I would like to register a new member for our party please"[/color] When Barracker was asked to scan his crystal, he waved his hand over the scanner, and was accepted. When everything was done they left and Barracker turned to James and thanked him, shaking his hand. [Colour=Green]“So, what's the next mission?”[/colour] He waited for a response and hoped there would be time to briefly split off from James and quickly take care of some errands before they left, but he would do what was asked of him by the party leader.