[Center][@Jay009][@Teyao][/center] "James," Lucy greeted heartily after saying goodbye to the adventurer she was dealing with. How could she forget the Cleric who wasn't beholden to any particular diety? (It did help that she'd met him just yesterday.) She listened to his explanation and shrugged with a nod. "Sure, that's no problem at all." Upon seeing the new party member, her outward reaction stayed muted and professional, but her first thought was that this man must be very ill, because there was no way there was a demon-cursed individual just freely walking around the city of Valhiem. It also couldn't be some kind of Witch Queen agent. Surely the enemy would try to disguise their spies a little better than this! "If you'd like to scan your crystal just there please," she asked, her eyes narrowing as got a vague feeling of recognition. Her magi-tech screen brought up his details and the man's name jogged her memory some more. "Barracker Kassel," she said, realising who he was now. "You look... different." She remembered the time this young man had first tried to register as adventurer. It was adorable. Funny how to the older elf, it felt like only yesterday, but humans grew up so fast. Probing the adventurers Status page in more detail, she could see the answer as to why he looked like he'd been bathing in the Dark Domain for the last decade. Vampirism. Unfortunate - not just personally but professionally too, seeing as he was a Paladin. "So... I should've known you'd get blessed with the Gift. That fiesty look in your eyes you had as a kid - you can't fake that kind of courage and ambition." She briefly looked at James while pointing her thumb at Barracker. "Would you believe this guy tried to make an adventurer party when he just a child. Him and his cute little friends wanted to slay orcs to keep the trade routes safe to Valhiem safe so the people would never go hungry." She put a hand on her heart as she got all warm and fuzzy. After she was finished potentially embarassing Barracker, she said to him. "I'm glad you got what you wanted." She turned back to James. "You've got yourself a tough one here, James. That claymore and massive shield aren't just for show, I can promise you that." She pointed at her screen to indicate that his combat history was far from empty. When all was taken care of, she bid them farewell. "Take care of yourselves out there." [Center]***[/center] [center][@Zool][@Loksfjoer][@Saiyan][@Teyao][@Crusader Lord][@Zapdos][@Jay009][/center] The sun moved up and across the sky to take the center of the sky above Valhiem. After the streets quietened post morning rush of everyone going to work, the busy pace of the city, particularly in the commercial districts and up on Citadel Mountain, began to pick up again for the lunchtime hours.