[center][h3][color=8493ca]Hector Wyland[/color][/h3][/center] [hr] [hider=Collab: How to blow 2k gold on a really cool gun] Hector had to admit, he wasn’t opposed at all to a little drink of whiskey. [color=8493ca][b]”Whiskey’s fine by me,”[/b][/color] he said, removing his rifle from his back and laying it upon a nearby table. [color=8493ca][b]”I was looking to up the firepower on my rifle, if at all possible. My most recent fight against Makara made me realize that its lacking in penetration. …I’m not…the most talented Magus here, so I want to have every advantage I can in a real fight.”[/b][/color] The old man promptly tossed the eye-patch toting noble a full flask, straight from his stash which never seemed to run empty. [color=a36209]"Ah, if I recall young man, I believe that was the same mission that dancing Alchemist girl went on as well."[/color] He said, walking away from his desk. He grabbed an old chair and put it at Hector's feet. [color=a36209]"Take a load off."[/color] He said. He then grabbed another and placed it so that he'd be sitting right in front of him. [color=a36209]"I heard that mission took one hell of a turn. The alchemist girl had drunk some nasty waste, and something about a guy who could regenerate? Weird shit."[/color] Childes said, downing a bit of his drink. [color=a36209]"But, enough about that. Lemme see yer rifle there, son. If ya don't mind."[/color] Hector would deftly catch the flask, unscrewing the top and taking a swig. Strong, but it had a good flavor. He would hand over his rifle, saying: [color=8493ca][b]”Here. I just hope that I can prove more useful next time,”[/b][/color] the noble said, capping the flask and setting it on the table. [color=8493ca][b]”Dancing, huh? And, half of that ‘weird shit’ was caused by Scarlett to begin with.”[/b][/color] [color=a36209]"I’ve no doubt!"[/color] Johannes said with a hearty chuckle. [color=a36209]"Now then, let’s have a looksee…"[/color] He held the gun in various positions, inspection and making a few vocal sounds to signify deep thought. [color=a36209]"Top-notch craftsmanship, chamber and other inner-workings made to resonate with mana, of course they can’t forget the gaudy decoration."[/color] He took out the weapon’s magazine, inspecting the bullets. [color=a36209]"Yep, everything down to bullet count and size is standard Flugell issue."[/color] He put the mag back into the weapon, then set it on the table. [color=a36209]"I imagine you make good use of your snakey friend to rid yerself of recoil shock and ensure precise aiming in all scenarios, am I right son?"[/color] He said, walking away toward a work bench for a moment, promptly setting the gun down on it. [color=a36209]"Making armor piercing rounds ain’t nothing to write home about. But, there’s more we can work on."[/color] He then turned to the wayward noble. [color=a36209]"With your permission of course."[/color] [color=8493ca][b]”You’d guess right on how I use Herne to stabilize. And, feel free. What did you have in mind,”[/b][/color] Hector said, then asked. Any help was invaluable, as Hector needed an edge over dangerous enemies. His bullets weren’t anywhere near as effective on the Makara as he’d have hoped, with him needing a clean shot straight through the skull to get them to stop at all. Any beast that charged with a metal slug barrelling through it was just as terrifying as any Malfested. [color=a36209]"Gonna exchange the barrel so it can fit the new bullets I'll be making for ya, for one!"[/color] He said, putting the gun back on the workbench. Walking over to a storage cabinet, Childes swung the door open and grabbed what looked to be a utility bag of sorts, various tools could be seen poking out of its openings and crevices. He placed the bag beside the gun, opening it up and taking out a few tools. [color=a36209]"In addition, I'm gonna throw in a couple of nifty tweaks to spruce up the mana channeling. The metal generally used in these models is the cheap shit."[/color] He chuckled. [color=a36209]"And, of course, some new big boy bullets to go along with your upgrade. "[/color] Soon, the lab would be filled with the sounds of tinkering metal and electrical sparks. When the old smithy went to work, no one knew what to expect… Hector liked the sound of upgrading the barrel and mana channeling. Enough so that he’d stay and watch from a distance, appreciating the older craftsman’s work as he made Hector’s peashooter into something more akin to a proper magus’ weapon. Something that he might have to grow into, if he was being honest with himself. After a few more minutes of tinkering and metal clanking, Hector would hear a distinct clicking sound that signified that Johannes had finished his work on the gun. A satisfied grin sat on the man’s face as he held the gun in his hands. [color=a36209]"You’re gonna love this!"[/color] He snickered, handing the gun back to the sniper. The metal used to upgrade the chamber was of a higher grade as promised, along with being able to resonate with magical energy to a higher extent. Only someone who’s used the weapon for a long time would even notice the difference in the way the weapon now felt. [color=a36209]"Hang on for a minute while I whip some bullets up for ya!"[/color] He continued, walking over to another bench. [color=a36209]"Care for another flask?"[/color] While more booze was tempting after the last little quest he’d been on, Hector didn’t think getting sloshed was a good idea. But, the sniper was eager to check the gun, able to feel the subtle thrum of power from it, as the new conductive material resonated with the faint spark of magic in Hector. With mechanical precision, Hector would disassemble the gun piece-by-piece, admiring Johannes’ handiwork in a way that only someone who knew his weapon really could. [color=8493ca][b]”This is incredible…and the weight feels like its hardly increased. You really are some kind of genius,”[/b][/color] Hector said, reassembling the gun and having it back in working order within a single minute. [color=8493ca][b]”How can I repay you?”[/b][/color] [color=a36209]"Glad you approve, damn well better!"[/color] Childes said, laughing to himself. Having pulled out a rusty ammo machine along with some crafting materials, he had answered Hector without turning his way. One had to wonder why Johannes would use such an old looking contraption, judging by the spots and marks of grime on the device he must’ve had it for decades. He was right at work, regardless, with more sounds of clanking along with the grinding of fine dust. Seeming to have finished, the new bullets were put into a magazine case, enough for about three or four reloads. Each of them held about six bullets; he tossed the cases up and down in his hand with intriguing precision. [color=a36209]"Well, son…"[/color] He began, responding to Hector’s question. [color=a36209]"Since we both work here, it only makes sense that I make yer job easier. HOWEVER, those parts and materials ain’t cheap, and my vendor seems to agree! Normally, the fine tune and chamber replacement run ya a fine sum. Not to mention I threw in these babies as well. But, since I like ya, I’ll give ya a discount this time. How’s 2,000G sound? I hope that won’t hurt ya wallet too much, the missions y’all lot completed should paid a hefty sum."[/color] Given that the quest awarded a suspiciously equal amount to that price, Hector was eager to say: [color=8493ca][b]”Mm. Its a deal,”[/b][/color] while also making a note to check his own finances once he was alone with his ledger. [color=a36209]"Pleasure doin’ business with ya, youngin' '[/color] Childes said, shaking his hand and handing him the cases. [color=a36209]"Tell me how she treats ya when you get back from whatever mission you decide on! Will ya be needing me for anything else, Mr. Hector?"[/color] [color=8493ca][b]”Not that I can think of. But, I’ll be sure to come to you for anything else weapon-related I might have in the future. I’ll be sure to tell you about its performance when I return. Thanks for everything,”[/b][/color] Hector said, glad to have spent some money to ensure his future at the tower. …Though…now he had to find a mission that suited this newfound firepower. Or one that paid enough to make back the difference. Departing from the workshop, Hector would check the board and immediately be drawn into the idea of the escort mission. High pay, potential monsters, and a scion of the Molnar family in need of aid…it couldn’t be more perfect if Hector staged it himself. His father was already disapproving of him being at the tower, but perhaps a job like this would put the tower in a favorable light amongst nobility…and help in the upcoming review by the church.[/hider] With the newfound bullets and adjusted rifle, Hector would rush headlong to the meeting place, a fair bit behind those who had already left for the quest. As such, he would be arriving a touch later, just as everyone was making introductions. A healthy bit of cardio never killed anyone. [@Polaris North], [@PaulHaynek], [@AzureKnight] The sniper would make his presence known as he cleared his throat, saying: [color=8493ca][b]”My deepest apologies for being late! I thought my gun could do with some tuning up,”[/b][/color] before he would bow slightly to Imre and her servant, saying: [color=8493ca][b]”Hector Wyland, at your service.”[/b][/color]