[quote=@Zapdos] By the way, if anyone has any cool ideas for plants that would be useful in combat, let me know! Adam will be looking into these (see my last post for the set up) and any inspiration would be appreciated! [/quote] Tangling thorn bushes as like 3x3 ft traps or even rows. Hinders the enemy, slows them down Giant Venus flytraps Poisonous bulbs that burst with dust clouds of sleep posion or death poison or pepper spray when the enemy steps on them Tree trunk spears. Grow a tree trunk, grind it like a pencil sharpener against rocky surface until you have a sharp point. Throw it at the enemy Flowers that make animals go berserk. Grow them in the right environment, lure the beasts and cause chaos Grow some bark gauntlets, stick hands in, break them off the ground and start swinging Thats all I got for now