[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fallout-new-vegas-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230112/f7d774d3ec20946c1b1c06b083a1b2cd.png[/img][/url][/center] After asking around in the commercial district, Zell was directed to the most prestigious Arcane Blacksmith in the city - Gildor Hammerfist. The shop was located on the edge of the Bazaar, by the water, and had it's own front yard complete with a fully stocked forge. Gildor however was inside the shop, where a plethora of weapons and armour of high quality filled the racks. shelves and dummies. Gildor Hammerfist wasn't too tall, but an incredibly heavy-set man, with hands like shovels, a jaw and chin like a concrete block, and a messy mop of jet black hair. His skin was light brown and his green apron covered his working-man's clothes. Rolled up shirt sleeves showed his massive, hairy forearms as he appraised the sword stolen from the metal ninja. Zell had his hands on a shiny shortsword. He tested it's balance, then looked down the length of the blade to make sure it was straight. The craftmenship was of a very high standard. When Gildor started talking, Zell put the shortsword back and went over. "The alloy is orichalcum and a dark-iron known as Earthbone," said the deep-voiced blacksmith. "A rare blade. Strong." "Oh yeah?" Zell chimed in. "Orichalcum n Earthbone... That'll be drow-made then?" "Mmm," Gildor agreed. He didn't look too pleased. "What's with the sour face - something wrong with that?" Zell asked. "As if you don't know," Gildor said. Actually, Zell [i]didn't[/i] know whatever it was that had bothered the blacksmith. He knew a lot about the swords of this world but nothing about the makers of them. "The dark elves are a nasty lot. Not bad craftsmen, aye, but I don't usually mess with wares from the Underdark. Especially enchanted wares." Zell leaned in and looked at the ninja's sword, rubbing his chin. The black steel gleamed a hint of purple. It did look nice... but ominous too. "Don't worry," Zell assured. "It'll be out of your hands soon enough. Just do this 'Identify' thing you were talking about and I'll be on my way." Gildor seemed to weigh his options for a few moments before he finally looked at Zell and said, "Fine." The blacksmith cast an Identify spell on the sword, but nothing happened. "It's a high level enchantment. A regular Identification spell isn't gonna cut it." He snorted a breath and then looked at the Englishman. "That's gonna cost extra." Zell tilted his head in concession so Gildor proceeded to retrieve a rather large magnifying glass the size of a tennis racket. The blacksmith cast a spell on the magnifying glass and then went on to chant some magical words for a high-level Identification spell. Zell watched, mildly interested in the magic but more anticipating what the actual result would be. If this sword was so powerful that it required high-level magic just to figure out what it could do, then Zell would be very happy to wield it. The magnifying glass glowed brightly and it looked like Gildor was reading something through the glass. It took about half a minute before the glow disappeared and Gildor put the magnifying glass down. He did not look happy at all. "Well?" Zell asked, eager to hear. "The sword will enchance any melee fighters defensive strength for parrying attacks. It will also increase your damage - including damage on any class abilities you might have. But it also comes with a Star-Tier Power: Once per day, the sword will ignore all armour [i]and[/i] resistance for a single strike, so long as the wielder invokes the name of the sword." Gildor deleayed, unsure he even wanted to say the words. Zell was waiting with baited breath. "[i]'Take Vor, Baphomet.'[/i]" "[i]'Take Vor... Baphomet'[/i]," Zell repeated. He thought about it for a second. "Sounds a bit errr... demonic... don't you think?" Gildor bowed his head in leui of agreement. "That's because [i]it is[/i]." A heavy silence fell on the two. Each of them glanced at the sword and back at eachother. Neither looked particularly scared. But Zell look unsure of himself. And Gildor looked annoyed he'd been dragged into this. "The sword is strengthened with Source of the Dark Domain. If I was you, I'd report this to the Citadel..." Zell was already reaching for his money. "...hand it in. Could be illegal. Most definitely trouble." Zell started putting gold pieces onto the counter, one at a time in a steady and purposeful pace. "I'll be the judge of that, eh." He continued to place gold pieces down. "How much for your trouble, and your silence on this matter?" He kept placing gold pieces down, until Gildor raised a hand. "Ppreciate it, Gildor. You're a good man. Now I'll be out of your hair just as soon as I get a scabbard that will fit the weapon. Oh and can I take a look at your bucklers and kite shields, my mate?"