[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/JggQfxy.png[/img][hr][b][Color=00ffff]Location:[/color][/b] Framework simulation [B][Color=00ffff]Skills: [/color][/b]Armored ground combat, Data gathering and analysis, Mechatronics [B][Color=00ffff]Equipment: [/color][/b]Shieldmaiden armor[/center][hr]As her foot fell down, Victoria wondered what she was feeling. She expected some sort of vindictive satisfaction, but it did not arrive. The rage has left her too, and she eventually settled on disappointment. She picked up the bow and looked it over, the first thought on her mind being to break it. Eliminate the threat. [i][color=00ffff]But... Then she'd learn nothning. Besides, I gave Leah another go at me, hardly seems fair not to give Diana the same courtesy. No need to be a bitch about it though... But let's not give her a pat on the back either.[/color][/i] she thought, setting her diagnostics suite to work on the problem with her chest piece as she walked over to Diana's spawn point. Oh, Diana was not a happy customer by the look of things. Good. [color=00ffff]"Feeling angry? Humiliated? You do realize that were this a real fight, your family would soon be attending a closed casket funeral, all because you were vain and didn't have your head in the game, right? Here."[/color] she said, her tone level rather and devoid of emotions, supplying raw facts, as she handed Diana her bow back. [color=00ffff]"The next one is free, make it count. Also, drop by after classes, and collect Leah on your way. I'll show you a concept from armored vehicle fighting that might be useful to know."[/color] she offered and walked back to her earlier position at the edge of the line of pillars. A moment later, her diagnostic suite dinged and spat out the report, indicating that the problem was indeed a severed power line. [i][color=00ffff]Blast! I can't fix that, that would need to be replaced.[/color][/i] Her train of thought was interrupted by an arrow whistling past her and burying itself in the ground. Being distracted with the damage report, she first looked after the arrow rather than where it came from and shooting back, which meant that when she finally did, she only saw Diana getting into cover. Mentally giving herself a kick, Victoria at least approved of Diana's new tactics. Walking over to pick up the arrow, she inspected it. [i][color=00ffff]EMP. Clever girl. Suit has military level hardening of course, but then again, Hawkeye packs arrows that have annoyingly strong discharge for their size. Better safe than sorry.[/color][/i] she thought and promptly crushed the arrow's shaft into splinters, tossing the arrowhead away to some shrubbery near the edge of the arena. Victoria briefly deliberated what to do next. Diana was now focused on her, so she could continue that fight. Edward was nowhere to be seen, so trying to flush him out was a possibility. Then there was the technopath, which was the biggest threat and [i][color=00ffff]What in the Sam Hill is going on over there?[/color][/i] her train of thought ran into a rock wall, she saw Leah's head poking [b]over[/b] one of the pillars, looking all false super sayian and talking with Zari. Logic said she should hit Zari while she was distracted, but then again, she might just get beat upon by SuperLeah. Diana it was then. Turning back to the pillar she was hiding behind, Victoria opted for the brute force approach. Reseting her defense per her notes, she dropped down to one knee and raised her hands in front of her, open palms facing away from each other. [i][color=00ffff]Heh. Makankosappo![/color][/i] she thought, launching an overcharged repulsor beam. [hider=Personal notes] [code] - Implement redundancies while defending against teleporters. One generator is not enough. - Why the FUCK does a power line for my CHEST generator run on my BACK?! Rewire this, ASAP. - Actually, rewire all of the generators with a redundant power line. It should not get disabled by one bloody stab! - Create and carry a spare parts kit with you to a fight. This time it was an MFG, but what if it'S a leg actuator, or you GET EMP'd? Right, properly EMP harden the spare parts kit, too. [/code] [/hider] [hider=M-F generator allocation] [color=00ffff]Left rear, Right rear:[/color] [b]HELD ACTION:[/b] 2x Redundant* Spherical electric field (Taser effect, range 2 meters), anti-personnel defense, no-delay proximity trigger [Color=00ffff]*2x Redundant[/color] - For held actions. Additional M-F Generator set for the same purpose, taking over if the first does not succeed. Counts as one action, unused redundancy is wasted if first generator succeeds. [color=00ffff]Chest:[/color] Disabled [color=00ffff]Left hand, Right hand:[/color] 2x Boosted* repulsor beam attack on Diana's estimated position through the rock pillar (Piercing damage) [Color=00ffff]*2x Boosted[/color] - Overcharged attack (stacking multiple M-F Generators into single attack) with no range penalty. [/hider]