



Name: Sister Marta Rocha
Age: 17
Nationality: Portugal

[hider= Noble Arm: The Left Hand of Might / The Right Hand of Mercy (D Rank)]
[b]Power:[/b] A / A
[b]Speed:[/b] C / C
[b]Range:[/b] F / D
[b]Persistence:[/b] D / D
[b]Precision:[/b] D / F
[b]Potential:[/b] E / E
[b]Type:[/b] Gauntlets
[b]Element:[/b] Light and Divinity
[b]Range:[/b] Melee
[b]Noble Arm Abilities:[/b]
[i]The Left Hand of Might:[/i]
The Gauntlet of Wrath. When active, the Arm's power is devastating. Strikes from the Left Hand have ruined most known mundane structures, cracking dams, rending buildings, and shattering concrete pavement beneath one's feet. Marta has yet to employ the full power of this ability for violence, but battle tanks smashed into pieces and sent flying are a convincing data point. The effects of the Left Hand also strengthen Marta's body considerably, though much less than what is outputted - she can take most Small Arms and Light Weapons to the face and live, but a solid punch from her will still send herself flying from the recoil.
[i]The Right Hand of Mercy:[/i]
The Gauntlet of Kindness. When active, Marta can emit an aura that heals all nearby living beings within 33 meters. This effect is indiscriminate - friend and foe are fully healed and restored to vigor. This effect will work on wounds received in the last three minutes and heal any injury short of death.
[i]For the Left Hand is Might, but the Right Hand is Mercy:[/i]
Only one Hand can be active at any one time. Switching from one to the other requires roughly 33 seconds of concentration. Each hand has only five charges of its full power - they can be used fifty times each at significantly reduced output. Output cannot be recovered except by resting or, once a day, taking a full hour to pray the Rosary three times.

[b]Misc Abilities:[/b]
[i]Oath to Order:[/i] As a (Self-Titled) Sister in service to the Lord, Marta has collected not only a fairly solid understanding of theology but a set of abilities suited to humanitarian aid. She's not exactly a UN paramedic, but she can provide first aid, forage for food, aid in disaster relief, and other emergency functions.
[i]I *am* a Holy Woman, I *Will* Beat You Senseless:[/i] Marta is trying hard to get the hang of the whole "Turning the other cheek" affair, but at the end of the day, a mean left hook is a mean left hook. Years of Boxing classes don't vanish into thin air, and well, sometimes, the people with guns won't take "no" for an answer.
[i]Praise Him with loud cymbals; Praise Him with resounding cymbals:[/i] Marta got into drums as part of her music classes in school and has since acquired a taste for percussion. She never quite hit the professional scene before taking her vows, but in these violent days, it serves as a more peaceful hobby than punching sandbags to ruin. 
        [i]Likes:[/i] Charity, Playing Music, Action Figures, Storms, Clocks
        [i]Dislikes:[/i] Deliberate Cruelty, Hot Temperatures (Humid or Otherwise), Religious Dogmatism, Amusement Parks
        [i]Fears:[/i] Losing control of her power, becoming close-minded as she ages, tight spaces
Born and raised in Lisbon, the daughter of the Rocha Family had a solidly middle-class upbringing in a family of clerks and accountants. She spent much of her time running to and fro school, much less interested in formal education than her personal interests. A Latchkey kid with a heterodox approach to life, she spent much more time with a gaggle of fellows, pursuing many interests but with few sticking.
Her first passion was percussion, which she took up after a few music classes at school. The intensity of the rhythm and vibration pleased her on a profound level - it reminded her of the ticking of clockwork and the crashing booms of thunder. As her love of music developed, so did her attunement to the spiritual and abstract facets of nature. Repulsed by the dry nature of the family's work and burning desire to contribute something to the world, she moved to a religious institute but bounced off hard from the rigid hierarchies expected of her.
She's very quiet and private about this period of her life, but what is known is that she emerged sometime later as a self-avowed nun of no denomination, wielding the Hands of Might and Mercy. She's been on a veritable crusade against humanitarian crises, famines, natural disasters, civil wars, and refugee crises. Her Arms have healed victims of terrorism from certain death, blown paths through debris in the aftermath of earthquakes, and pulled truckloads of resources for isolated communities.
[b]Current Goal:[/b]
The current conflict in SEA with China is extremely dangerous and has already extracted more than its toll in human life and misery. Even if she didn't have Noble Arms, she couldn't allow herself to stand by and do nothing... so she's decided to stick her nose into the ongoing affairs. She'd rather not hurt people if she can avoid it, but she's more than determined to do all she can to bring the war to an end.
[b]Military or Civilian Rank:[/b] Sister (Self-Proclaimed)
