[center][h3][b][color=de641d]Teddy Thompson[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExMmtxNHVncXVrNWFyaXV1aXZzcWpoNTltaGsyOWF2and0NG42aGwwZyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/IItfKszAMLuMOjdgR0/giphy.gif[/img][hr][b][color=de641d]Location:[/color][/b] Men’s Room -> Hallway outside Training Room B [b][color=de641d]Skills:[/color][/b] Ursine Physiology [hr][hr][/center] The faint humming of the fluorescent lights above was met with the sound of the water rushing out from a faucet only to splatter onto the basin below, both only serving to accent the numb silent buzzing that threatened to split the young man’s head. The creature that filled the mirror above the sink - only barely fitting into frame - stared at his reflection with beady brown eyes, his head held low, ears back, mouth agape. Me. Me watched himself, studying the brown fur that covered his muzzle, trailing down his face and dipping beneath his… …what was the word? … Shirt. His shirt. His white shirt. Button-up. A tie keeps his collar closed. Black tie. Suspenders keep his slate gray pants up. Uniform. Me hated the uniform. Hard to move. Easy to tear. Tearing was bad. Right? … Me couldn’t recall. His sleeves were rolled up. Too much hair. Too much fur. More than normal. A deep huff escaped him. He was getting frustrated. The Me in the mirror mocked him - CHALLENGED him. As Me stretched tall, so did the Me in the mirror, both just shy of scraping the ceiling. No…not Me… The voice coming from beyond called for someone named Teddy. His name was Teddy. And despite current appearances, he was a man. The creature turned his head toward the exit, breaking his gaze upon his reflection. The man within the beast was finding his way back into the driver’s seat. He had nearly lost himself...but would that have been such a bad thing? How easy it would be to just give in to the base instincts that rule the creature, to not think about his most recent failure. Too sick to make it to auditions. Bah. Pathetic. Months of training - wasted. And for what? So he could pretend that he wasn’t a monster? His vanity had cost him his chance to earn a spot on a team. What the stakes would have been higher? What if somebody was hurt or worse all because pathetic little Teddy had an upset stomach after taking his ‘Real Boy’ pills? … Teddy shook his head, killing the flow of water. He knew there was nothing good to come from beating himself up over hypotheticals…but the shame and embarrassment was gnawing at him. The guy hunched over even more in an attempt to hide from an invisible audience before slinking toward the exit. As he rounded the corner to rejoin Miss Jones, it would become clear that he had grown several inches just in the time that it took him to dip into the bathroom. The shirt which had laid somewhat baggy on his body before the bathroom trip now was filled out completely to the point that it was nearly too small for him. The black bear had become the Kodiak. The boy offered Firestar a nod and, upon spotting her, offered Zelda one as well before turning back to his teacher, only hesistating for a moment when he caught the whiff of a rather pleasant scent coming from the direction of the gym. It was strong. It was distracting. It was nice. He tilted his head at her, still not entirely sure where she was dragging him and why. Even now, part of him wanted nothing else than to storm off to go sulk in solitude. Teddy managed to bury that shameful part of himself underneath an eagerness to just finally get to whatever task Miss Jones had for him so that he could throw himself into work and occupy his mind with something more productive.