[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230120/a43c1391d36ad41d7b3afa38147dbe11.png[/img][/center] James cracked a grin at Lucy's stories of young Barracker, they were surprisingly... 'wholesome' was the word he wanted to use but taking into account that they wanted to 'give a lift' to some orcs perhaps it was not the most appropriate word, still, he could almost imagine tall and broody by his side and his little gaggle of friends asking those same questions. [color=6ecff6]"Ya know? It is reassuring that you vouch for him so much, we already had accepted him but getting the guild master's approval is a hell of a recommendation."[/color] Turning towards his quiet companion he extended a hand [color=6ecff6]"Well Barracker, welcome officially to Second Chance, hope you love your stay"[/color] Looking once more at the Guild Master he bid his goodbyes [color=6ecff6]"Welp, thanks for everything Lucy, I will get our of your hair now, see you later"[/color] [quote=Barry? No, Cracker? No!, Barrack?... Obama!? Nah that was just silly] [Color=Green]“So, what's the next mission?”[/color] [/quote] [color=6ecff6]"Right you still don't know"[/color] He mulled the words on his mind for a second [color=6ecff6]"We are trying to rank up to Silver as quick as possible so we were given a choice between several options, we after [i]careful[/i] instrospection we setled on a Gold contract, we leave in a couple of days towards the Temple of Hades to kill the Greater Wraith thas has nested there so if you need to make any preparations I suggest you use these days to do it"[/color] Saying so he decided to say something semisirius for once, laying a hand agaisnt the taller man's shoulder he started [color=6ecff6]"Thank you for joining us Barracker, truthfully I feel more at ease knowing we have another able person on the party"[/color] He patted the other man a few times before retracting his hand [color=6ecff6]"Well I am going back to The Mended Drum if you wanna meet the party or just hang with us you know where to find us"[/color] Satisfied with his interpersonal interaction he started walking towards the inn before a thought crossed his mind, he... had forgotten to tell Barracker about the fact that they were from another world which was a HUUGEEE oversight if he was being honest, best to take care of that before doing anything else. Stopping his walk he turned his torso towards the Vampiric Paladin [color=6ecff6]"Oh right, another tiny, almost insignificant detail I forgot to add... We Second Chance come from another world"[/color] He waited for barely a second before giving a wave with the hand and resuming his walk [color=6ecff6]"Till later dude!"[/color] Nailed it. [center]-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-[/center] Returning towards The Mended Drum might not have been the most Logistical sound decision but in his defense the journey to the Guild and back was halfway through the city so he felt justified in taking a breather on a familiar location before setting off again. Entering the establishment he noticed a distinct lack of his party members. Shrugging his shoulders he went to Frederick the innkeeper and sorted his meal, before long he was seated and about to gulf down a hearty mix of eggs and bread with some meat he guessed was beef thrown in. The only thing stopping him was the figure of Adam going coming down the stairs, this was a prime opportunity to talk with the younger man, the second person he really need to talk more to (Fenna was the first) [color=6ecff6]"Hey Adam! Here! Wanna join?"[/color]