Adam had kept one book on his person as he walked downstairs. He had planned on finding a place with a cheap meal and reading; the man didn't know if he would even be in Second Chance after everything that happened, so it was smart to be frugal. Not that he was really a big spender anyway; his father's degree was in accounting and the parental figure had passed on at least a little knowledge of numbers to his children. The plan changed though, thanks to five words from the team's leader. [quote=James Sirius] [color=df73ff]"Hey Adam! Here! Wanna join?"[/color] [/quote] The truth was, Adam wanted to be alone as he felt he didn't deserve to talk to anyone on his team at that moment, but he felt ignoring James would be rude. He forced himself to smile and nodded, joining the Cleric at the table. At least now he'd know if he was still in the group. The Druid was about to speak when Frederick asked if he wanted anything. Not wanting to delay the inevitable, the younger man simply ordered what James was having. With that out of the way, Adam directed his attention to his (maybe nor for long) leader and politely spoke. "What's going on?"