

Amanda was eternally grateful Scarlet was assigned to her, because she just went to work with the criminal elements currently firing on her team, with the covering fire from the team’s resident arsenal. The android motioned everyone to go into the Apartment complex and clean house, she is now 90% sure that the Apartment is practically abandoned, but she doesn’t want to take any chances right now so she implored to team to keep with the ROE. [color=bbbbbb]“Remember, I don’t want no civilian casualties.”[/color] The android said, looking at the team as her hand guns automatically pointed and shot at an incoming aggressor without her looking.

The team then proceeded to go to room 214. [color=bbbbbb]“Looks like the target’s on the 2nd floor,”[/color] Amanda said, slowly leading the team forward as she proceeded to hack, shoot, or punch anyone that dares oppose the team. The occasional enemy that manages to get on the blindside of the team is shot down by Scarlet’s accurate shooting. When the team reaches the 2nd floor, however, the sight that greeted them once Amanda knocks down the door is… confusing.

[color=bbbbbb]“It’s a… Command Post?”[/color] Amanda wondered, looking at the smattering of military equipment, communications equipment, and various other C3I equipment she was deeply familiarized with. Looking further, she saw a massive rune in the center of the room, most definitely used to teleport equipment from here to Germany by the looks of it. Nonetheless, her curiosity was almost cut short as her proximity sensors suddenly blared at the rapidly incoming threat approaching her, she barely had time to react as a fist impacted her face and sent her flying through the window, the Android landed on a courtyard located in the center of the Apartment block, and was busy reorienting herself as error messages popped up on her eyes.

[color=bbbbbb]What in the world?”[/color] The android asked before her eyes adjusted and saw a hunkering Titanic beast, exuding the same aura as the abomination she’d fought years ago. She knew that, unlike the biker person. This man is probably forced into this form by someone, preparing her giant axe and making sure her footing’s steady, she braced for the coming fight, while simultaneously radioing the group. [color=bbbbbb]“Hey uhh, guys? Do you have any idea how we’re supposed to defeat this thing?”[/color] Amanda asked, dodging a sudden strike from the man possessed by Eldritch magic, she punched back in the ribs, but it made no difference as the man used that opportunity to turn and kick Amanda in the stomach, sending her flying once more before she hit the wall on the enclosed Courtyard. [color=bbbbbb]“My systems are giving me error messages all over the place. Uhh, help? Help?!?”[/color]

She hoped the radio’s still working, or else she has to book it and call for reinforcements.


[@Martian][@King Cosmos]

The car Madeleine’s driving alongside Xaviron and Morgana pulled up near the border of the compound, with the three figures exfilling front the car immediately. [color=aa35a0]“Alright so here’s the thing. I myself will go to the compound’s front door, gun prepared, and probably negotiate something with the cultists, since this is a forest, I expect you to trail me behind, maybe cast a cloaking spell or something just to keep them out of your scent. If things go south, then I already have a gun loaded up and a double-stacked shield spell ready to go, so just follow my lead since I doubt these cultists have anything that can match my defenses.”[/color]

She’s pretty confident on that assessment. The only individuals' Madeleine has been defeated by are masses of well-trained mages, dragons, and deities, and she has backup with Xaviron and Morgana trailing her.

[color=aa35a0]“Morgana, I also have a query that you might be able to answer.”[/color] She asked the English witch. [color=aa35a0]“What kind of potential spells, wards, and curses the Faith family may have taught these cultists if the connection between this cult and your family proved to be correct? I have never fought a coven of English witches before but I know Witches do have their secrets, and nasty tricks should they be in potential danger.”[/color]