[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230630/dbab70c9b1cdcc2c03d8d06889f71821.png[/img][/center] [color=6ecff6]"We are trying to rank up to Silver as quick as possible so we were given a choice between several options, we after [i]careful[/i] instrospection we setled on a Gold contract, we leave in a couple of days towards the Temple of Hades to kill the Greater Wraith thas has nested there so if you need to make any preparations I suggest you use these days to do it"[/color] Barracker nodded, his eyebrows furrowed with scorn across his face. It was bad enough that the temple of the god he chose to serve had been desecrated, but worse was the amount of innocent lives that would have been lost, most likely due to someone doing something stupid or careless. [Colour=Green]“Very well James, I will use the time wisely.”[/colour] [color=6ecff6]"Thank you for joining us Barracker, truthfully I feel more at ease knowing we have another able person on the party"[/color] James patted Barrackers shoulder a few times before retracting his hand A smile crept on Barrackers face as he appreciated the sentiment and faith of his leader, but the smile disappeared after a mere moment, replaced by a firm expression of determination. [Colour=Green]“I will not let the party down.”[/colour] [color=6ecff6]"Well I am going back to The Mended Drum if you wanna meet the party or just hang with us you know where to find us"[/color] [Colour=Green]“I will be there at the end of the day, I have things to attend to.[/colour] As James started to walk off, Barracker looked away, about to don his mask. [color=6ecff6]"Oh right, another tiny, almost insignificant detail I forgot to add…[/color] [Colour=Green] [i]Huh?[/i][/colour] Barracker paused. [color=6ecff6]We Second Chance come from another world"[/color] Barracker was in shock at the clerics words, [Colour=Green]“What!? But h-”[/colour] [color=6ecff6]"Till later dude!"[/color] [Colour=Green]“Hey wait.”[/colour] Barracker reached out a hand,but the cleric was gone, down the street. Barracker was left, his brain frazzled with confusion. [Colour=Green][i]But how in the world is that possible?[/i][/colour] Realising he had been stood in the street for a good five minutes since James had left him, he donned his mask and made a move. [center]--------------------------[/center] “Barracker! Barracker! Barracker!,” The three children sang his name in sync, as they ran and threw themselves into the kneeling paladins arms. Barracker greeted each kid by name and tussled their hair. [Colour=Green]“Its good to see you guys,”[/colour] he said. One of the boys, Eren, immediately jumped out of the embrace and ran behind the paladin to inspect the tower shield and claymore against the entrance of the orphanage. [Colour=Green]“Do not touch the sword,”[/colour] he ordered with a warm tone, over his shoulder, as he took his mask and placed it on the girl, Isabella’s face. She wobbled off , holding the oversized face-covering on her head. The oldest boy, Tyrion, stepped back as Barracker addressed him. Even with the kids, he could not help speaking with a formal tone. [Colour=Green]“Are you looking after everyone okay?”[/colour] Tyrion saluted with a fist to the chest, always copying Barracker’s ways. The boy proceeded to give Barracker a full extensive report of how all the children were doing. It was probably too much information, but Barracker was always attentive. As the kid was finished, Barracker noticed one of the staff members appear in the background. He rose to his feet after thanking Tyrion and dismissing him in a mock military manner. He bowed his head at the orphanage's most loved and adored care worker. [Colour=Green]“Good afternoon mother.”[/colour] She smiled with the beauty of Iris, “ Barracker my dear, welcome home.”