I will have to say that the Rangers biggest surprise about this new universe will be that they don't have air in space. Lost Galaxy established that there is Air in Space. We see [url=https://youtu.be/noMJbgQ0N1g?t=1128]Mike floating through space without a space suit, with the implication that it has been a few hours and this has no ill effects on him.[/url]

My personal theory is that Space Air in Power Rangers just tastes really weird, which is the only reason why ships are pressurized. It's also what annoyed me about the [url=https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-ae35cce74ad1397d8f970d0d554ff8e9-lq]Psycho Green's fight on the moon.[/url] There has always been air in space.