[hider=Avenger preliminary assessment]
[b]Blue typhoon[/b]
[i]"Palm trees, really?" - C.O. John Bradford[/i]

The command staff does not feel as the ship will be able to offer much assistance. The design seems to be full of weakspots, and it bears one, albeit seemingly powerful weapon, putting it in the realm of glass cannons. Chef Shen is interested in discussing the level of automation on the ship, as running it with only 5 people seems like a great degree of it would need to be employed.

[b]Astro Megatimeship[/b]
[i]"That technology is probably more dangerous than the Temple ship." - C. E. Shen[/i]

The avenger's crew is watching the ship for signs of trouble, although from what they could glimpse, the crew does not have ill intent. SPARK Julian comments that this is how robotics should be done.

[b]USS George Hammond[/b]

Commander to all crew of the Avenger, break
The crew of the USS George Hammond is intimately familiar with the current threat, break
As such, as of the time of our arrival, the Avenger will integrate into Hammond's command, break
Colonel Carter's orders are to be obeyed, unless directly countered by the orders of the Commander of XCOM or Central Officer Bradford.
Commander out.[/pre]

[b]Malevolence II[/b]
[i]"What do they need us for with that many guns on one ship?" - Commander of XCOM[/i]

The Avenger is suspicious of the Malevolence due to the PSI operatives detecting some strange signals coming from the ship. Psionic presence on the level of an Ethereal is likely present on the ship.
