[img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/41cCchW7cpL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [/img] A yellow two-tailed fox was wide awake as he pulled Blue Typhoon into view. Everyone else was sleeping, trying to rest up for whatever lay ahead. The crew knew the reason they were ripped from their own universe, and pulled into a foreign one. What they didn't know, was how long the fight was going to last. "I hope that the part about us returning to where we were before is true. I have a difficult time believing that there isn't some catch to all of this." The fox said to himself, sighing as he took one hand off the control panel to rub his head. The spaceship started to hit the new planet's atmosphere, rocking the ship as Miles Prower, also known as Tails, brought the ship towards the ground next to the blockade. There was a crashing, grinding sound, as the Blue Typhoon made contact with the unfamiliar soil. The fox got mild whiplash, and he could not help but think that he accidentally woke the others up. "That could have gone smoother." Tails spoke again, this time scolding himself for the rather uncomfortable landing.