[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230304/db29aacb29f9e73b825aa087246ac088.png[/img] [b][i]Featuring:[/i][/b] [i][color=B19666]Benedict Pascal[/color][/i] [b][color=DECF4C]Wordage:[/color][/b] [i]618 (+1 points)[/i] [b][color=DECF4C]Experience:[/color][/b] [i]6/40 EXP[/i] [b][color=B19666]Experience:[/color][/b] [i]22/40[/i] [b][color=DECF4C]Location:[/color][/b] [i]Midgar ➡ Sector 7 (Seventh Heaven)[/i] [sup][b][u][color=DECF4C]Interaction[/color][/u][/b][/sup] [sup]Open[/sup][/center] Wiping his brow with the cuff of his coat the merchant was all smiles as he followed the others into Sector 7 along the way stopping once or twice to tip his hat to whoever crossed his path "[color=DECF4C]Hoo-wee, ain't this a sight for sore eyes![/color]" Partitio remarked loudly with a chuckle, the merchant tipped his hat to the pretty lady behind the bar. On the other hand was the old tactician, quiet and almost sullen Benedict took a seat in a lonesome corner of the bar to watch the goings on and think to himself. Something he saw brought up old memories, watching as Partitio went up to people like he would old friends introducing himself and going out of his way to take their empty glasses and clank them on the bar counter where Tifa regarded the merchant with something of a tired resignation though she couldn't hide a smile through it as she rolled her eyes as she took the empty cups. From the corner of the bar the faintest of smiles formed on Benedict's face, Partitio was just like someone he knew for many years. Erador and the merchant would almost definitely get along, possibly to the detriment of Benedict. The thought at first brought a bit of humor to the humorless tactician but then filled Benedict with melancholy reminded that he was far from House Wolffort, and Anna. "[color=DECF4C]Something got you down there partner?[/color]" suddenly out of nowhere Partitio had been standing with his arm leaning on the chair across from Benedict startling him for a moment before regaining his composure "[color=B19666]If you must know I was thinking.[/color]" he replied dismissively to Partitio who was more keen eyed than he let on, the merchant shook his head "[color=DECF4C]I ain't that dumb, ya'll got the look of someone with a nagging thought at the back of his dang mind.[/color]" he said pulling out the chair he was leaning on to take a seat. Both men were silent for almost a minute before Partitio kicked his feet up "[color=DECF4C]Ain't gonna force you to spill the beans but I ain't gonna let you sit al-[/color]" interrupted by a sighing Benedict who pushed the merchant's shoes off the table Partitio went quiet. "[color=B19666]Fine, if you insist on bothering me I will tell you something…[/color]" Benedict crossed his arms, looking at his hands as he carefully picked his words "[color=B19666]I was reminded of an old comrade, a loudmouth and brash man I served with when I was a soldier and then as a steward.[/color]" the merchant smiled, quiet though to let the older man continue "[color=B19666]You reminded me of him, as well as many things I am apt to forget about.[/color]" Partitio shook his head, snorting like he didn't believe what Benedict was saying "[color=DECF4C]You ain't mean that friend, the past is pretty important and so is the things we did or said we'd do.[/color]" Benedict opened his mouth to protest but he clamped his mouth shut. "[color=DECF4C]We ain't got no past here to look back to but we sure as hell can carry on what we set out to do. Sitting around stewing ain't gonna get anything done…[/color]" the merchant slid his chair back, standing before giving Benedict one last look "[color=DECF4C]How bout' a drink eh partner?[/color]" it took the older man a moment hesitation in his expression to begrudgingly nod his head "[color=B19666]Only this once.[/color]" and the two stood, to grab a drink in honor to the past and the present.