[quote=@Roman] FWIW, while Ghosts are artificial beings (though sentient), Light isn't technology so much as a fundamental cosmic force of the universe through which its wielders can perform great acts of, basically, space-magic, outside the known laws of physics, causality, etc. etc. Light also has to be Given, rather than taken for yourself or simulated. Of course, that's not to say we can't bend the rules here, but the nature of Light and Darkness push Destiny as a setting toward the 'fantasy' end of the 'Sci-fi Fantasy' spectrum it treads. Edit: I realize after typing, deleting, re-typing, re-deleting, typing again - it may have been naive of me to app something Destiny related and think I can restrain myself appropriately. [/quote] Fair fair. lol I certainly sympathize with getting real in-depth with my character apps. In that cosmic, reality-bending sense, the Light/Darkness honestly sound like they have some parallels with the local Force. Which, as it happens, the Replicators aren't actually conventionally immune to it... It's just that they're physically hardy, and the Jedi are kinda weak -or at least those at the Temple were, not used to combat and not as skilled in the destructive uses of the Force needed to merc these things. If anything, having more "wizardry" in the party is a relief. Less things for the Replicators to potentially assimilate in the worst case.