[center][h1]CAS-class Assault Carrier "Fires of Antiquity"[/h1][/center] [hr] A large blue circle appears above Coruscant, a little close to the Malevolence for comfort. From the swirling mass erupts another incredibly large vessel, purple, dotted with blue lights throughout, a large hangar being seen in the middle of the vessel. The ship slowly trundles away from that circle, disappearing behind the tail-end of the vessel. She measures in at over five thousand meters, beating out the now second largest ship in this makeshift fleet. One Sangheili turns up from his console. "Shipmaster! We're picking up a variety of new vessels! None of them are Covenant!" Remas turns over to the officer, giving an idle sweeping wave with his hand "Keep an eye on them, and keep our weapons warm." Remas' gravity chair swivels over to Vikti, hovering closer ever so slightly. "Blademaster, how do you think they will respond if they hear of our conquests? That [i]Demon[/i] issued no comforts to me, in that... Meeting." Vikti shifts in place, looking to Remas. "With disdain, if not outright violence." "A tenuous alliance, no?" He quips back to the Blademaster. "I wonder who will break first. Let us keep silence for now, and see what they do first." Another Sangheili pops his head up. "Shipmaster! All systems are reporting green! All crew are combat ready!" Remas smiles, if an Elite could smile. "Good, I want you all to observe the neighboring vessels. I want an overview of the entire fleet structure, this is not a time to relax." With that, the ship looms silently in the blackness of space...