[quote=@Sep] As above. Your shop will know what's up, in regards to where they are and the threat they face [/quote] [@Senhara] This. The premise of this RP is that unlike some other isekai RPs, this world transport was not a surprise. Everyone was specifically voluntarily recruited and was informed of at least the basics on the threat they face -if they accept- and that they would be returned when the enemy is handled (The USS Stargazer is the one exception, having been victim to shenanigans of Q). The Covenant should know quite well that the Republic is not their enemy and will have been explicitly informed of such. The "Daniel" Ascended guy also had all the people in this makeshift fleet dragged into a "world between worlds" meeting prior to being deployed, so they're at least slightly acquainted, have already met the Republic's Admiral Yularen and should know that they are expected and among -at least temporary- allies.