[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fallout-new-vegas-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230112/f7d774d3ec20946c1b1c06b083a1b2cd.png[/img][/url][/center] [i]Take Vor, Baphomet.[/i] Zell walked the streets of Valhiem with his new custom-tailoired scabbard keeping the black katana firmly fixed on his back. Three dark brown leather straps, over the shoulder, under the arm and around the other side of his torso met in the center of his chest where an adjustable buckle made the scabbard easy to adorn and take off. Without the rest of his armour pieces, it was easily visable over his white shirt, and the hilt of the sword peeked menacingly over his right shoulder, ready to be drawn in a flash. Speaking of flash... He whispered, "Teleport," as he tried to activate his ability again, attempting to apply Adam's lessons. No success. He hadn't bothered buying a shield. It turned out that there was a perfect one in store for him - an enchanted buckler that was capable of blocking magical attacks - but it was too expensive. He would have to either borrow money from a comrade or wait to get his share of the next reward once they'd taken care of this wraith in the temple of Hades. After seeing the enchanted buckler, the rest of the shields paled in comparison, so he decided to revisit Gildor Hammerfist at a later date. At this moment, he was simply taking a walk into the east side of Valhiem. There were two spots on the map that piqued his interest. A place labelled The Nightingale and another labelled The Brass Monkey. The latter sounded like a tavern name, for sure, but he was still interested in checking out both. As he walked directly down the main street from The Bazaar, he could see what was the city park on his right, so he knew he should come across The Nightingale soon enough. He would check it out briefly before taking a left at the intersection beyond the place, then head north up to The Brass Monkey. [@xenon]