[quote=@Sep] I'd need someone more familiar with ME to fill me in, including yourself potentially. I know we have some... questionable characters (Who possibly have their own Agenda) but I thought that the Reapers were basically the Anti-Life equation in ship form? [/quote] They are machines designed by an AI who was designed by the Leviathans to find a means by which synthetics and organics could stop killing each other for good. Cause the Leviathans kept thrall races thanks to their biotics and telepathy, but these species kept making artificial life that rebelled and killed them. So ME Reapers are an attempt to solve what I like to call the AM or Skynet Dilemma. The Synthesis ending just does the following to the galaxy: [quote]Synthesis (Green) - Shepard leaps into the Crucible's energy beam, and the Crucible emits an energy pulse that converts all life in the galaxy on the molecular level, causing all organic life to have partially synthetic traits and vice versa.[/quote] It gives them both understanding of one another and magically fixes the whole synthetics and organics cannot understand one another problem that leads to AI uprisings, like the Reapers/Catalyst (their governing AI), who offed their Leviathan makers once they saw them as part of the problem too. As far as capabilities go, a standard Reaper is kinda weaksauce weapon wise. Like its main gun only gets up to 450 kilotons of TNT, which is about on par with the bomb dropped on Hiroshima for reference. Powerful, for the setting it's in and our own universe. Weak compared to literally everything else, including what the Star Wars universe can dish out. And indoctrination is something I imagine they've stopped doing in the Synthesis timeline. Cause they have no reason to harvest anymore and aren't all: "WE ARE THE FINAL SOLUTION."