[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/maA1IwI.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/eR48DfY.png[/img] [/center] [hr] As she rode the lift down to docking bay J, Sinnali listened to the responses from the [i]Blue Typhoon[/i] and [i]Astro Megatimeship[/i] that rang from her holocommunicator, which was currently acting as a link to the [i]Malevolence's[/i] own comm systems. Though her smile widened just that little bit more, there was only a sharp danger behind it, a sign of her unvarnished displeasure, as she resisted the urge to respond or protest, keeping her end of the communication muted. It wasn't like she was their commander or anything, after all. In the end, she could only make strong suggestions, so if they didn't want to follow her advice, then... "Their funeral," she huffed, and based on the flare of Grievous's own distant emotions from where he was clearly still monitoring all the ongoing communications of the [i]Malevolence[/i], she could gather he had similar sentiments. "Whatever." She discarded that matter for now. You couldn't weep for the stupid, or else you'd be crying all day. If the Replicators compromised them, then she hoped they wouldn't be too surprised when she gunned them down like any other threat. If they wanted to risk becoming part of the problem, the consequences were on their own heads. She hummed in acknowledgement and gave several rote pacifying orders in response to the announcement of the arrival of the Covenant delegation, the [i]Fires of Antiquity[/i]. She had to admit, being the one in the smaller flagship for the first time since being assigned to the [i]Malevolence[/i] was an interesting feeling for her, one she wasn't sure she appreciated... and one she was definitely sure Grievous didn't appreciate. She knew the Kaleesh was engaging in no small amount of dick measuring with the titanic starship carrier, and he was none too pleased with the ways the [i]Malevolence[/i] was wanting. [i]Not that this was a competition, given they were ostensibly on the same side,[/i] Sinnali had tried to comfort him, but it [i]was[/i] a concern to have superior firepower in the hands of an ally of dubious intent. Her read on the Covenant's leadership in the initial meeting in the "[i]World Between Worlds[/i]" had indicated that they might be possessed of what some would call "orange and blue" morality, which was a rather dangerous thing, no matter [i]whose[/i] side they were on. [i]Is this how the Republic feels about the Malevolence?[/i] she couldn't help but wonder with a sort of dry amusement. She shook her head from those thoughts and frowned at something more concerning. A new mystery vessel had arrived, one they hadn't yet profiled from the meeting in the World Between Worlds. Sinnali frowned deeper and considered turning the lift back around. If something untoward happened, it would be better for her to be on the bridge, even if that left the Jedi with only droids for an escort. She could ask Grievous to head back to the bridge, but if there was any possibility of diplomacy with the unknown, he wasn't exactly her first pick to manage it. A channel opened from the [i]Hammond[/i] briefly stole her attention to the voice of Meyers, as she forced her tone to sound far more cheerful than her expression. "Of course, Captain. Please inform the Colonel that the [i]Malevolence[/i] will be glad to host any fleet envoys that wish to come aboard... provided there's warning, of course," she chuckled. She honestly didn't know if the [i]Malevolence[/i] had any defense against this "beaming" technology, but she doubted it. Giving permission was, all things considered, a formality at best. And thankfully, everything she'd seen from the [i]Hammond's[/i] crew thus far suggested that as long as they were allies, it was a formality they would adhere to. "We'll send you appropriate boarding coordinates for reception." Addressing the navigation station of the [i]Malevolence[/i], Sinnali snapped off, "Send the [i]USS G. Hammond[/i] spatial coordinates for Docking Bay J." "Roger roger," intoned a small chorus of droids in response. Shaking her head, Sinnali turned her attention back to the mystery ship, forcing her bubbling emotions to settle, as she probed their area with the Force. She listened with half an ear to the comm waves being sent to the mystery vessel, as the returns from the Force came back... militant? Yes, she got a similar sense from the collective minds aboard this ship to the [i]Avenger[/i] and [i]Hammond[/i]. Military-minded and not necessarily hostile, but certainly confused and wary. Idly, she flagged down the still panicking droids from warming up the [i]Malevolence's[/i] arsenal and locking onto the mystery ship, sighing in some measure of relief. "Strengthen the deflector shields and open a channel to the unknown vessel." "Roger roger." "This is General Sinnali of the [i]CIS Malevolence II[/i], contacting unknown vessel. Your arrival was unscheduled. Please declare your origination and intent." She paused, hoping that didn't come across as overly confrontational. Just about anyone local should know Coruscant was presently off-limits. But she'd never seen a ship quite of this one's like before, of what was now being projected holographically from her holocommunicator, and all things considered, even though the [i]Malevolence[/i] was far from equipped to detect dimensional anomalies the way the [i]Hammond[/i] was (outside hyperdrive usage), Sinnali's intuition pointed this to being another universally displaced crew. The Force all but nodding rapidly in the corner of her attention confirmed it. Shaking her head, she sighed and directed the droids to intercept and eavesdrop upon the other communications directed towards the unknown vessel, as the lift doors opened into docking bay J. She had a delegation to welcome right now, and the [i]Malevolence[/i] was as turtled up as it could really hope to be. So, for now, she would step back from the diplomatic overtures and let the other crews handle that.