[h1]Astro Megatimeship[/h1] As Rangers finished their scans and sent them to the [i]Hammond[/i], they gathered next to the ship and looked up at the Blue Typhoon. "They landed, i wonder why they didn't deploy yet?" Jack asked. "HEY YOU GUYS!!!" Jay screamed, jumping up and down and waving up to the long, spindly ship with the palm trees. At that point, Mitchell and Vala beamed in, appearing with a clunk and a flash of light. Asami saluted to them. "Colonel, Agent. It's good to see you again." She stood to attention. "Is it just the two of you?" She asked. "In any case, i'm glad you two are here." Jack said. "You have actually fought these creatures before, you know their strengths, their weaknesses and their tactics, so i'll delegate command of the Rangers to you for this mission." The 7 of them gathered around. "We have directed energy weapons and melee, as well as some colossal assault vehicles at your disposal." "Yeah and my Wizardactyl is still gonna run rings around your F-302's." Kai grinned. "I am curious how well Magic tends to work on these creatures?" Michelle asked Vala. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Meanwhile, aboard the ship itself, Raekar was being kept abreast of the new arrivals in orbit. "Reinforcements, good." She sighed. "I... SENSE..." The voice came over the speakers. "SOMETHING... SOMETHING FAMILIAR IS COMING..." "Friends of yours?" Raekar asked. "I... DONT HAVE... ANY FRIENDS..." It responded. "Awww, don't be like that, i'm your friend." Raekar smiled, leaning over the console and running a finger over it as if stroking it. "And what about Full-Tilt and Wipe-Out?" "I... DO NOT... ENJOY THIS... FEELING..." Trypticon could feel something in his Spark. A presence was about to make itself known and it threatened to unbalance him.