[hider=Charlie "Chuck" Simmons] [center][h1][b][color=8dc73f]Charlie “Chuck” Simmons[/color][/b][/h1][/center] [hr] [center][H2] Callsign: [color=8dc73f]Boomer[/color][/H2][/center] [center] [url=https://ibb.co/8N0t8dH][img]https://i.ibb.co/TYkdhbs/Team-Chuck.png[/img][/url] [/center] [hr] [b][color=fff200]Male Heavy[/color][/b] Color: 8dc73f [color=8dc73f]Name:[/color] Charles “Chuck” Simmons [color=8dc73f]Callsign:[/color] Boomer [color=8dc73f]Age:[/color] 30 [color=8dc73f]Birthday:[/color] December 9 Sagittarius [color=8dc73f]Gender:[/color] Male [color=8dc73f]Sexuality:[/color] Cis Heterosexual [color=8dc73f]Nationality:[/color] American [b][color=fff200]Canine Companion [/color][/b] [color=8dc73f]Special Operations Canine:[/color] Duke [color=8dc73f]Breed:[/color] Belgian Malinois [color=8dc73f]Height:[/color] 2.5 feet tall [color=8dc73f]Weight:[/color] 75 pounds [color=8dc73f]Appearance:[/color] Reddish brown in color with a black face, muzzle, and ears. His fur is black tipped giving him a darker appearance. [color=fff200][b]Appearance: [/b][/color] [color=8dc73f]Height:[/color] 7’ 10” [color=8dc73f]Weight:[/color] 275 pounds [color=8dc73f]Physique:[/color] Tall, muscular but not overdeveloped. He maintains flexibility and has an athletic build. [color=8dc73f]Hair:[/color] Dark Brown [color=8dc73f]Eyes:[/color] Blue [color=8dc73f]Piercings, Tattoos, Scars:[/color] He has a bullet wound scar on his left shoulder, and a scar on his right calf from IED shrapnel. [b][color=fff200]Description:[/color][/b] Chuck wears his hair short with a with a mustache and well-trimmed beard along his jawline. His eyes are light colored and stand out. He is tan and spends a lot of time outdoors. He has a muscular physique without being hulked out. He is toned and has good muscle definition. He can most often be found wearing jeans and t-shirts with cowboy boots and a hat. You will find he prefers combat boots, hiking boots, or cowboy boots to sneakers. He abhors dress shoes and ties and will avoid them at all costs. He is a steak and potatoes with a beer kind of guy. He is casual and loves to have fun. [b][color=fff200]Personality:[/color][/b] He loves nature and being out in it. He loves fishing and hunting and hiking. He loves exploring the wonders of the natural world. He lives by a strict code of honor. He will not disrespect anyone till they disrespect him. He was raised that you don’t hit women or children. He learned the hard way that in warzones sometimes that didn’t mean they wouldn’t shoot him. He will be polite. He was raised in the south and exudes that southern charm. He uses “Yes Mam” and “Yes Sir.” He tries not to cuss in front of women and children. He takes his role in the military very seriously and thinks of his unit as his family. He lives by the ideology that no man should ever be left behind. He always put his soldiers first. He has an American Southern Accent. [hider=Skills] [b][color=fff200]Skills:[/color][/b] [color=8dc73f]Explosive ordinance specialist:[/color] He was trained to work with a trained service dog to find and disarm explosive devices. He also knows how to use explosives. If it goes boom, he knows about it, has done it, or thought about how to do it. As a Marine Raider, he has even been tasked with evaluating new explosives thought about by research and development contractors. [color=8dc73f]Applied CBRN Tech:[/color] As an explosives expert trained for the field, he received specialized training in chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats. Whether that means disarming a nuclear dirty bomb or how to stop an aerosolized bioweapon attack. He was trained to identify and quickly and safely neutralize CBRN threats whenever possible. [color=8dc73f]Dog trainer and handler:[/color] To work with a special operation canine, he had to go through training on how to work with one. He was chosen because he has an innate talent for understanding dogs and training them. He is an expert dog trainer and handler. His dog Duke is trained to wear a harness so he can deploy from an aircraft, or jump with him using a parachute, or even rappel down a building or cliff with his dog harnessed to his armor. Duke can climb ladders and is trained to crawl through tunnels. Duke can deploy with him from a boat making a water insertion as well. Duke is trained to sniff out explosives, track a scent, guard a person or place, and attack. [color=8dc73f]Tactical insertion deployment:[/color] He is trained to make a tactical insertion from air, land, or sea. He has worked in jungles, deserts, forest, coastal, and urban environments. [color=8dc73f]Close Quarter Combat Specialist:[/color] He has trained in mixed martial arts for years. He favors a mix of Krav Maga, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Aikido, and Wing Chun. He learned Kali (Filipino Stick Fighting) from a friend during bootcamp. He later combined Kali with the knife fighting skills taught to him by his boot camp instructors. He is tall, strong, and wicked fast. He has the reach on almost any opponent and the strength making it almost impossible to stop him with a hand-to-hand fight. [color=8dc73f]Languages:[/color] He is not a linguist but was trained by the Marines to speak Kurdish, Arabic, Pashto, Swahili, French, Spanish, and Portuguese. As these languages were the most commonly spoken languages in areas where they expected to get deployed. [color=8dc73f]Heavy Weapons Specialist:[/color] He was trained to offer the heavy fireteam support for his unit. He was trained in mortars, grenade launchers, small surface to ground missiles, laser guidance systems, missile launchers, and setting up mines and claymores. [color=8dc73f]Marksman:[/color] He was trained to use firearms of all sizes. He was good at hitting the target. He qualified as a marksman in bootcamp and has only gotten better. Pistols, long guns, machine guns, fully automatic, semi-automatic, he had used them all. He hit what he aimed at. He didn’t have the patience for sniper work though. He preferred to be in the middle of the action not miles away. He also liked to make things blow up. That is how he earned his call sign “Boomer”. [color=8dc73f]Combat First Aid:[/color] He is trained in basic first aid and knows CPR. [color=8dc73f]Bullet Sponge:[/color] He is a highly trained fighter. If the marine corps developed a way to injure, hurt, or kill someone they trained him to do it. They trained him to Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome when his prior training failed to address the situation. He understands that no plan survives first contact with the enemy. He will use whatever he has on hand to complete his objectives. He is used to taking center stage in a fight acting as a shield and distraction while the rest of his team achieves their objective. He understands tactics and creatively employs his environment and what’s in it to work to his advantage. [/hider] [hider=Family] [b][color=fff200]Family:[/color] [/b] Age 53: [color=8dc73f]Father:[/color] Thomas “Tom” Simmons Age 51: [color=8dc73f]Mother:[/color] Georgellen “Georgie” Simmons Maiden name: Georgellen Barton Age 22:[color=8dc73f] Sister:[/color] Annabelle Simmons Age 24: [color=8dc73f]Brother:[/color] Blake Simmons Age 82: [color=8dc73f]Grandfather:[/color] Dave Simmons Age 81: [color=8dc73f]Grandmother:[/color] Charlene “Charlie” Simmons Maiden Name: Charlene Morris Age 4: [color=8dc73f] Canine Companion:[/color] Duke [/hider] [hider=History] [b][color=fff200]History:[/color][/b] Chuck was born in Jacksonville, North Carolina. His grandfather had settled down in Jacksonville when he was in the Marine Corps. He opened a hardware store in Jacksonville and a construction company. His grandmother had been a schoolteacher. She had taught school and raised the children while his grandfather had been off fighting wars and on deployment. Both his grandparents were still alive and quite active in the community. They had slowed down some, but they were in relatively good health and retired. His parents were also still alive. His father had been medically discharged from the Marine Corps after suffering from injuries during a deployment. His father used a cane for support when he walked and had a limp. His father had gone back to school and became a licensed psychologist. He worked for the VA helping veterans and active military. For his father, his work was a calling to help his brothers and sisters of the service. His mother ran a local homeless shelter. His mother came from a family of old money in the area. She had chosen to devote her life to helping those less fortunate than her. Whenever asked when she was going to retire, she said when the homeless shelter is no longer needed. Chuck was raised in a family that was all about service and community. He was raised that you do the right thing, you put others first, and you do what you say you are going to do. Personal integrity meant something in his family. He was taught, If you serve others, you don’t have time to complain about what you think you need. The Simmons family men were all excessively tall as Gigantism was a genetic trait that ran in their family line. Newer medical treatments involving synthetic hormone therapies and genetically engineered medications and DNA restructuring allowed him to grow up healthy. He was just like everyone, just very tall with denser bones and musculature. Chuck had a typical middle class American upbringing. He rode his bike, played video games, swam in the local pool at the community center in the summer. He went to church every Sunday with his family. Schoolwork was first then chores came before play. You ate dinner at the table with the rest of the family. His family was still somewhat old-fashioned. They had old-fashioned values and were not necessarily strict but firm about boundaries and instilling those values and a work ethic in their children. He spent at least one Saturday a month helping his grandmother at the homeless shelter. He would move heavy boxes of donations and help sort them for distribution whether it was food, clothing, or toiletries. He would help do the laundry so the bedding could be changed. He did whatever his Grammie told him to. Chuck had fond memories of his childhood. He played sports, baseball, basketball, football and as long it allowed him to get outside, he was happy. His grandfather and father taught him to fish and hunt. They would sneak away to his grandfather’s cabin for 2 weeks every summer just the boys. The women took that as an excuse for a girl’s week and spent the time going shopping and visiting salons and spas for pampering. They would have a big barbeque cookout at the end of the two weeks. Usually for the 4th of July where they invited all their friends and neighbors. He grew up indoctrinated in the Red, White, and Blue and apple pie. It was a tradition in his family that men served in the military. Chuck admired the gruff affectionate and stand-up men in his family. He never considered doing anything else. Being stuck inside behind a desk would have driven him absolutely batshit crazy. He admired his father for being able to come to terms with his disability and find something that he enjoyed and gave his meaning. He was a smart intelligent guy, but he knew what he wanted. He applied to the Marine Corps before he graduated high school. He left for bootcamp the following summer. Chuck excelled in bootcamp and rose through the ranks quickly. He was tapped for MARSOC training early on. Chuck had been a career Marine Raider like his father and grandfather. He had planned to retire from the Marine Corps someday or be forced out due to injury. He had not expected his unit to be set up as a scapegoat for someone else. His unit had been training local forces in an undisclosed location in the Middle East which remains a hotbed of terrorist activity and political upheaval. His unit was tapped for an urgent rescue and retrieval mission in the surrounding area. He was told his unit was the only one positioned that could reach the hostage in time. The hostage was supposed to be an American scientist with top security clearance working on a top-secret government project. He was told that it was imperative that they rescue this scientist and retrieve the data that had been stolen during their capture. The mission had been a cluster fuck from the beginning. His unit had been given bad intel. When he questioned his orders based on the intel, it sounded like his team was being set up for failure. The intel said the scientist was only being held by 20 men. His unit had only had 6 men. His unit was going to field test some new mechanized armor suits to help even their lack of numbers. They wanted to try out new equipment without training. They were also going to be monitoring the new suits with constant data feed connections. They wanted his unit to parachute in, but it was a high wind area. His guys were well trained and good soldiers. They were the elite and the best of the best. But even the elite can’t work miracles in unfamiliar equipment that was glitching. The enemies found the data feeds the scientists were using and compromised their suits. They went to infiltrate and ran straight into a meat grinder. They had managed to sneak into the base and get the intel off the base’s server. They found the scientist and set them free. They had taken out over 20 enemies at this point. When they were ready to exfil, his team walked straight into an ambush. They had been surrounded. He had taken as many of them as possible with them. He himself had been the last to fall. His suit had been an equalizer and he had taken out scores of the enemy before someone managed to trip the sequence that opened the armor and ejected the person in the suit. It was at that point that he took a slug to his chest and caught the edge of a grenade that had hurled shrapnel at him. He was unable to move and out of bullets for his guns. He was having trouble breathing and was bleeding to death, unable to stand and barely able to move. A unit he didn’t recognize attacked his enemies and pulled him out. By that time, he was unconscious and close to death. When Chuck woke up, he was unsure what was happening or where he was. It turned out that Raven Squad had pulled him out. They debriefed him and shared what they had found with him. It turned out that Raven Squad wanted to recruit him. They had found out about the double cross and had barely made it there in time. Chuck was not sure of the specifics, but Raven Squad had intercepted intel that his unit was being marked for disposal by a group called Artemis. Someone wanted them eliminated because they knew something that they didn’t want that information getting out or they were getting in their way. Artemis used the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. They wanted to take out Chuck’s team which had been interrupting their operations in the Middle East and they wanted to get their hands on the experimental armor that his team was testing. Chuck believed the primary cause had been they wanted to eliminate his team. One of the reasons he had started questioning his orders was because some of them didn’t fit well with his ethics. His oath as a Marine was to fight America’s enemies foreign and domestic. Nowhere in his oath did it say that local civilians were considered acceptable collateral damage. His team had received a mission to clear out insurgents in a small village. His team infiltrated and found a lot of disabled men, women, and children. The villagers were warm and friendly towards them. They didn’t see any sign of suspicious activity. When they reported the high number of civilians casualties and no hard mission targets. They were given orders to leave and after they were out of range a drone strike took out the whole village. They had been given a retrieval mission that was difficult, but they managed to get out with the crates indicated. One of the crates was damaged in the firefight. They checked out thinking they were retrieving dirty bomb or biomaterial to find out it was regional antiquities. He was angry that he had risked his men for treasures that didn’t belong to the US. He began to question every mission after those two. Raven Squad had pulled him and Duke out and healed him up. Raven Squad earned his loyalty by pulling out Duke as well. One of the things that had recently triggered Chuck’s concern about his orders, they had ordered him to leave Duke behind on an operation where his canine partner had gotten injured. Duke was his partner and just as integral to his team as any man in it. The Marine Corps never left a man behind. Chuck had carried his canine partner out on his shoulders after he had broken a leg. If there was one thing that would anger Chuck, you don’t mess with his dog. Duke was more than just a dog; he was his partner in the field. Chuck would not let any disrespect Duke or belittle his contribution to the work they did. He had passed their entrance test once he had recovered the strength and flexibility lost due to injury. Passing the gauntlet was hands down the hardest test Chuck had ever endured. Chuck was an active soldier though and was used to training constantly for ops. He appreciated that someone in Raven Squad had repaired his new armor and fixed the issues with it. They had even used his to develop armor for Duke to help keep him safe in the field. Now he wanted to find out who was pulling the strings in the Marine Corps. Someone was using US Marines to do their dirty work and lining their pockets. He wanted that person exposed and flambéed. Chuck would continue to honor his oath to protect America from its enemies, foreign and domestic. Chuck knew that he could no longer do it in the Marine Corps. There was something rotten in the upper echelons and he was going to find it and eradicate it. He would find a way forward with Raven Squad. [/hider] [hr] [hider=Tactical Suit] [b][color=fff200]Tactical Suit:[/color][/b] [url=https://ibb.co/0FHMr8T][img]https://i.ibb.co/hZ3WVhb/Chuck-s-Armor-V-2.jpg[/img][/url] [url=https://imgbb.com/][img]https://i.ibb.co/R9yHn21/447377f5acd55ddab3b865cf5ced1f8a.jpg[/img][/url] [color=8dc73f]Prototype Marine Raider Exosuit or Protype MRE-Massacre Ready to Explode[/color] She started by building Chuck a sleek ballistic suit like her old suit to wear under his heavy armor. This would stop handguns and smaller rifle fire all by itself. It also would have the climate control capabilities of her armor. Samantha then built a heavy combat power armor that opened up in the back. The under armor suit had the kinetic energy return technology in it that would help to keep Chuck’s suit powered and moving. Samantha improved the chemical reactor from his old suit to last longer. With the kinetic assist, Chuck should be able to get almost 48 hours on one charge now. He could keep the suit moving by building up the kinetic charge if he had to. Chuck would just step into the calf high boots. Once his feet locked in place the armor would close and seal around him. Sam designed a cool interlocking zipper of interlocking flexible hex shaped disks that would move and magnetically lock him into his armor. Once the helmet was on, the suit could be pressurized for use as a dive suit or in space. Samantha reviewed the trouble he had navigating with it underwater and had added some special ballast bladders and maneuvering jets that would work underwater or in space. She had left the jump jets off. Chuck had only used them in battle a few times. She was going to give him heavier weapons this time. That meant he needed a more stable armor base to fire them from. The power armor used a combination of hydraulics and synthetic muscle fibers to move the suit. Chuck could run faster, hit harder, and pick up more with the armor. She designed the suit to have a modular weapon mount that would work with all his weapons. Giving a few options for heavier weapons to take on the field. She designed a special holster for Lucille that rode on a sling across his back. Samantha designed Chuck a 50 caliber gatling gun that was autofed from a large capacity pack built onto the back of his suit. Samantha deliberately kept the rate of fire low since she expected Chuck to be using it as an anti personnel weapon. Samantha designed the gun so Chuck could change the firing rate from a small burst of 5 bullets up to 200 bullets a minute. This would allow Chuck to snipe with the large caliber gun. On the other shoulder, she redesigned his small missile launcher. Chuck’s armor could fire 6 missiles at a time but his armor only had room to carry 12. Chuck could fire missiles one at a time or in pairs, so he can fire 1, 2, 4, or 6 missiles at a time. The shoulder mounted weapons would work with Chuck’s Hud for targeting. Samantha built in a holster for his carbine on his upper leg armor. She included a metal mesh combat tactical harness that Chuck could carry peripheral weaponry in such as grenades and extra magazines. Samantha decided to paint Chuck’s new armor in a radar reducing stealth coating which she colored a dark navy blue to reflect his marine background. The next layer is a woven titanium infused carbon fiber that acts as an artificial polymer muscle or tendon and armor. The material had been put through a special bonding process that resulted in a material that naturally harvests kinetic energy that allows it to stretch and rebound with strength adding strength and power to the wearer's movements. The user retains flexibility speed, while gaining protection and strength. The next layer is a ballistic liquid gel cooling system lined with a tough but soft material that keeps the gel in place and provides padding for the user. There are flexible tubes of hydraulic fluids that help keep the suit cool and moving. The internal workings of actuators, hydraulics, electronics, and sensors live in between layers. There are sensors and high-definition cameras embedded into the outer layer in key places feeding information back to the user. The helmet is a transparent titanium alloy in a crystalline matrix, an upgraded version of bulletproof glass. This allows the user to see out and is used as the screen for the Heads-Up Display. There is an AI system onboard to help the user with the suit’s systems and targeting. The suit has an embedded communications system. Cameras allow for infrared layover and night vision. The suit is powered by a small chemical reactor and has a rechargeable battery backup. The suit is good for about 24 hours of heavy use and battle before it will need to be recharged. If just worn, without any heavy fighting or power draw needs the suit can be powered for up to 48 hours. There are directional jets built into the legs, torso, arms, and feet of the suit. On each shoulder is a heavy weapon mount. Samantha designed a 50 caliber gatling gun specifically for Chuck’s use. There is a small missile launcher that mounts to the other shoulder. The missiles are small and don’t have much range. They allow for a high payload to a target no more than 500 yards away. The missile launcher is a modified miniaturized LAW design. There is an onboard medical sensor suite monitored by the AI. The AI can help him deal with injuries in the field by injecting the Raven Squad cocktail of stimulants, pain killers, vitamins, and antibiotics. There are built in tourniquet systems so that if he loses a limb or gets a severe injury on an arm or leg the AI can apply pressure to stop the bleeding and save his life. The suit is designed to be used in numerous environments. The suit does have a sealed air system with air filtration and carbon dioxide scrubbers. [/hider] [hr] [hider=Duke's Armor] [b][color=fff200]Duke’s Armor Suit:[/color][/b] Chaos Special Chaos decided when she was repairing and upgrading Chuck’s suit that Duke deserved an upgrade too. She wanted him to be able to keep up with his human. She based Duke’s suit on her own. The result was layered lightweight flexible armor with reticulated armor plates down his sides and chest. She crafted a special helmet for him that left his ears free but protected his brain pan from a headshot. The helmet had built in googles so that Duke’s eyes would be protected on tactical insertions from dust, wind, and water. The armor was only about 5 pounds heavier than his original armor but had built in cooling and more protection. [/hider] [hr] [hider=Weapons] [b][color=fff200]Weapons:[/color] [/b] [color=8dc73f]Pistols:[/color] Glock 19 Desert Eagle (A gift from his father. It has special meaning and is never taken on ops.) [color=8dc73f][b]Long Guns:[/b][/color] [b]Close Quarter Battle Gun of Choice:[/b] Customer Raider Edition rifle with underbarrel grenade launcher based on the M4A1 Carbine Rifle. The rifle is scaled up to fit his hands with a larger magazine. [b]Long Distance Precision Gun of Choice:[/b] Custom MK12 ROaTSo (Reach out and touch someone) again modified to fit his larger hands and with a larger barrel. [b]Automatic Heavy Machine Gun of Choice:[/b] Custom Mk 48 FUN Gun (also known as the Fuck Up Knockout Gun) The weapon has an adaptable mounting system so he can attach it to his armor when needed and has its own ammo case that feeds into the gun. He has a custom [color=8dc73f]weapons harness[/color] that was designed to carry his weapons across his suit without impairing the built in weapons on his suit. The sling will allow him to carry two long guns into battle. He has been known to carry a variety of [color=8dc73f]grenades[/color] and will change them up depending on the mission. [color=8dc73f]Marine Combat Knife Kbar Machete[/color] [b]Heavy Melee Weapon of Choice: [color=8dc73f]Lucille[/color][/b] Custom made and designed Japanese [color=8dc73f]Tetsubo[/color] or Kanabo. It is a mace that looks surprisingly like a spiked baseball bat. The heavy club has tungsten and Damascus core with a titanium shell. The handle is wrapped in leather to provide him with a nice grip on this all-metal club. The end of the club is a solid metal loop to which is attached a chain so he can retrieve his weapon and spin it making it even deadlier. The weight of the club combined with his strength and speed make it a devastating weapon on the battlefield. Of course, this weapon is lovingly called a Carolina Slugger by Chuck and jokingly nicknamed Lucille. [url=https://ibb.co/S6xtQ1d][img]https://i.ibb.co/j85yVxW/Lucille.png[/img][/url] [/hider] [hider=Equipment] [b][color=fff200]Equipment:[/color][/b] Tucked into the many compartments of his armor are things he might need in the field. Water canteen, protein bars, Field First Aid Kit, lighter, a back up comm system, a compass, a collapsible solar charger for his suit, and GPS locator homing beacon he must manually set. Bomb disposal tools like wire cutters, small mirror on a telescoping handle, and small hand tools for taking things apart. Depending on the mission he might be carrying a variety of explosives and detonators. [/hider] [hr] [color=fff200][b]Hobbies:[/b][/color] Chuck hates being stuck inside and will use any excuse to get outside. He loves to run with his dog. He is a typical southern boy who grew up loving [color=8dc73f]fishing, hunting, and camping[/color]. While in the Marines, he expanded his hobbies to include [color=8dc73f]rock climbing[/color]. He also loves [color=8dc73f]sports[/color] and is always ready to jump into a pickup game of basketball, baseball, or football. His height and strength make it hard for him to find a team that can challenge him really, but he loves to play. [color=fff200][b]Likes:[/b][/color] [color=8dc73f]Barbeques & Apple Pie[/color] [color=8dc73f]Sports and Tailgating[/color] [color=8dc73f]Beer[/color] [color=8dc73f]Animals[/color] especially canines [color=8dc73f]Nature[/color] [color=8dc73f]Being physically active[/color] [color=8dc73f]Family[/color] means everything to him. You will often find him telling stories about his family. [color=8dc73f]Fireworks[/color] (His call sign is Boomer!) [color=8dc73f]Country music[/color] [color=8dc73f]Rock Music [/color] [b][color=fff200]Dislikes:[/color][/b] [color=8dc73f]Tight spaces.[/color] He is not claustrophobic but because he is so big, he dislikes feeling crowded. He doesn’t really like crowds or being the center of attention. [color=8dc73f]Liars.[/color] He is a man of rare integrity and honor. He dislikes people who put up false fronts and lie to get what they want. He values honesty. [color=8dc73f]Asian pop music[/color] [color=8dc73f]Mariachi bands [/color] [/hider]