[h1][i][u]Caelan Maxwell[/u][/i][/h1] "Okay...then...next!" And a leap, a daring leap, first there was concrete, and the ledge of a building, and then nothing but air. 200 or more feet of air. Air cars racing above , street cars far beneath. "Sir you are falling. Do you need assistance?" The person rolled in the air, looking to their side, and one of the cities auto-remote assistance bots is pacing them. The person cackles, "Naw! I'm fine lad!" The bot doesn't seem to believe him as it starts to catch up it's four long grasper arms reaching out. "Alert upon your appropriation, you will be bill..." The bot never got to finish, as the person spun around again, angled their hips, and with a bang a spike and a long high tensile wire lanced out. And moments before the bot tried to grab the person the spike bit into the far side building and the person is whisked off with a whoop. High and higher. Leaving the bot behind. And the person climbs. Landing on the side of a building across the way, and the second of the two wire launchers fires, allowing the man to run up the side of the building while the first wire is detached from the building and spools back into the launcher. Reaching the end of the second wire, the other wire is fired. But soon the person has to duck onto a ledge and resume running as another bot approaches this time with blazing lights. Yet still they climb even as the morning light begins to cut through the gloom. Up up and up! Higher and higher. The person hurdles the high fence over a sky walk, landing among the early morning pedestrians. The person keeps going, waving and calling, "Hi! Sorry just passing through!" And racing along the sky walk until they reach a good spot, climbing the safety wall, and with a push and a blast of the launcher, on they go swinging along and still climbing. Right up until they reach a ledge and they are met with a TexCor, sec team in a low level hover truck. "What the hell do you...oh you feckin' Sk@ater prick! You've set off 20 alarms! We're taking you in! Hey were!" The person laughs, "Sorry lads guy has places to be." The man leaps, jumps off the top of the truck and then leaps out into the open again, soaring and doesn't seem like he's going to make anything until another fast moving hover car races by and the man catches it, "Bye!" He shouts as he's carried off, far enough that he uses his launcher again to climb even higher and before the driver notices him and activates the counter measures. And finally, the man the Sk@te punk reaches his destination. And Caelan Maxwell plops onto his rear at the apex of a hab spire, and watches as the first light of day reaches Mega-City One. With a smile he nods, "Good morning folks, and welcome to another day in paradise!" With a blaze of light the Morris Road Sk@ter, gets up, and hurls himself off the building diving down with a woop of joy, before catching a ledge with his line launcher and off he goes, breakfast time, things to do.