Location Havershel Estate [hr] [@Click This][@AzureKnight] “The lady of the house asked to see you?” Livia frowned. “If Madam Havershel asked to meet with you…then may I ask why you did not?” The noblewoman frowned, brusquely clicking her tongue in mild annoyance. “She might have valuable information or might have something she needs to tell us in private. I’ll go visit her myself, then while Polina you-” A scream from just outside the doors of the exhibition hall. The doors were flung open, swinging off their hinges as a mass of black tar and lava barreled through the room, crushing several noblemen in its path and staining the floor with burned, sanguine red color as the Living Furnace only stopped as it slammed into the far wall of the exhibition hall. A quick look over to the lord could only be one of horror. Without saying a word to the maids or Livia, he bolted out of the room just as a flood of other creatures stormed in. They looked almost like bipedal salamanders, toothless maw dripping lava with hollow eyes. Smooth scales covered their body, while stubby tails dragged on the floor behind them from their unusually long bodies that hunched over. “Polina, Lucrecia.” Livia did not miss a beat, calmly stepping forward as the Nobles fled from the room. “After Havershel. I’ll deal with things here. Drag him back here in pieces if you have to.” They’d need to get through the bipedal salamander-like creatures first, though. [hr] [@VitaVitaAR][@Pyromania99] “That's right. You’re smarter than you look.” He’d respond as he’d start walking, heading down the hallway towards the far end. “It's where my dad keeps all his good stuff. Everything magical or things he gets that might be a little odd or that he thinks are too valuable to display.” “Oh yeah? Does he keep records and stuff there too?” Lyssa queried. “Mnngh, I think? I saw a book and some papers there. Looked like…a lot of numbers and names and an address?” He shook his head. “A-anyways! What’s it matter to a maid, huh?” “Ehehe, maybe I’m just a curious little imp?” “So…what do you three want with the collection anyways? If dad finds out you’ve been in there he’ll be super mad. He’ll do more than fire you…” As the group reached the end of the stairs, they’d find themselves on the first floor of the annex. At the far end of the hallway, a woman with blond hair could be seen lavishly dressed, walking slowly down a hallway at the other end before disappearing down what seemed to be a stairwell. A servant seemed to be with her, a somewhat timid looking maid that was constantly looking over her shoulder. The bottom of the maids dress was splashed with a crimson color. “...M-mom?!” The kid frowned, proceeding to run off after the woman.