[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/maA1IwI.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/eR48DfY.png[/img] [/center] [hr] A transmission from the Covenant delegation was quickly processed and responded to in a rapid-fire murmur of orders to the droids, as Sinnali stepped out of the lift. [code]>TO FIRES OF ANTIQUITY >RESPONDING TO REQUEST: TRANSFER OF DELEGATION FOR BATTLE PLANNING >DELEGATION MEMBERSHIP: APPROVED >TRANSFER VECTOR: APPROVED >DOCKING LOCATION ATTACHED >AWAITING ARRIVAL[/code] Sinnali nodded at the alert of the arrival of another friendly IFF, the [i]Thoth[/i], and finally turned her attention from her holocommunicator to properly greet her guests aboard the [i]Malevolence[/i]. Tucking the device into a belt sleeve, she quickened her pace to make up for lost time, approaching the Republic and [i]Hammond[/i] delegations. Her black cloak trailed behind her lightly, a lightsaber hilt swaying on each hip. Habitually, her presence was both closed and contradictingly open, the eddies of her open curiosity swirling in the Force, as she raised a brow behind her blindfold at the black armor the Jedi and Clone Troopers were sporting. Special forces? Local preferences? Perhaps. This [i]was[/i] another universe, after all. But what almost brought her up short -even though it really shouldn't have, in hindsight- was the sight of a dead man walking among them. [i]Fascination[/i] overtook trepidation alongside a concoction of glee, as she made a show of eyeing the Jedi up and down with a brief tilt of her head, wetting her lips. If he was alive... from what she knew of how that had happened... Well, it wasn't like she kept tabs on every Jedi there was, but when someone was involved in the death of a fellow Apprentice? That deserved attention. It was a shame he hadn't lived to tell the tale. Well, [i]hers[/i] didn't, but this one had, which meant... something was very different in this galaxy far far away. "Master Qui-Gon Jinn," she grinned widely in genuine amiability. "The pleasure is all mine," she returned his greetings, sketching a bow of her own. "It's not every day Jedi and Sith can unite under a common banner, and I, for one, am quite [i]elated[/i] at the novelty." She hummed cheerily at the Jedi's luminous presence, her ever-present tendrils in the Force resisting the urge to poke at him or his mind. It had been... a long time since she'd last met this Jedi, and the hunger to find out how much this local version differed to her own was not small. Addressing the group of delegates as a whole in turn, she said, "I am Darth Sinnali, Commander of the Malevolence. Though, in practice, 'General Sinnali' is my rank and most practical address." For the benefit of the non-Jedi, she added, "'Darth' is something of a... '[i]religious title[/i]' is the best comparison. Feel free not to acknowledge it at your leisure. But I digress..." She bowed again. "I speak on behalf of the Sith Order and my galaxy's Confederation of Independent Systems to aid in whatever way we can to snuff the Replicator threat before it can spread across the rest of this galaxy and the wider multiverse." "Speaking of which," she returned her attention to Master Jinn and nodded. "We have heard much of these 'Replicators' in a broad sense, been lectured on their threat, but as you say, we have yet to hear how this all began and how it has devolved to this point."