[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/D9OBI9j.png[/img][/center] When the shop assistant offered to have their clothes taken to the inn, MacKensie accepted the offer with gratitude. She gave over the bags with her ranger gear and the ditsy floral sundress she'd purchased earlier. Why on earth she'd bought a [i]sundress[/i] when her future seemed filled with nothing but fighting, she did not know. It was nice so she bought it. [Colour=Pink]"Thank you so much."[/colour] As Fenna came to sit down, MacKensie scanned her from head to toe with a look of extreme approval. [Colour=Pink]"[i]Ma Soeur[/i], you are positively divine,"[/colour] she told the woman. The dark green she'd chosen matched so well with her hair and skin - a very earthy theme that she carried so well and looked so comfortable in. The older woman would likely look good in anything, in all honesty - she was beautiful - but MacKensie thought that her friend's choices suited her well. She respected a woman who knew her own style. [Colour=Pink]"I am so very jealous of your lips, Fenna,"[/colour] she complimented the other Ranger. [Colour=Pink]"I inherited my father's,"[/colour] she chuckled. She made the motion of toasting her glass, then sipped her bubbly as Fenna did. While they waited for Lillianna, watching the wizard make her final decision, MacKensie continued to get even more comfortable, leaning back on her free hand and crossing her legs. [Colour=Pink]"My my, the decor of this place is amazing,"[/colour] she said with a brief look around. [Colour=Pink]"Look at those coloumns. And that fountain is beautiful."[/colour] She could have gotten all nerdy and started to debate wether or not the quarter coloumns in the walls resembled Doric or Tuscan order style, but repressed her desire to get deep into that kind of conversation for fear of boring Fenna. Architecture was not for everyone, but complimenting beauty was enjoyable enough for most. [Colour=Pink]"Paris has some lavish shops, but this is quite beyond anything I've ever seen. I am sure Holland must have some great places to shop."[/colour] She talked with Fenna about frivolous things, relaxed into that unserious side of herself that often broke out in small gaps of the busy schedule of her previous life; when she could be in non-formal social situations with her friends. It was a rare moment. As the oldest child of the Trydant family - heiress to the fortune - MacKensie was required to grow up fast, be responsible, proper and approach all things in her life - social, academic and extra-curricular - with seriousness, determination and perfectionism. She had to live up to her parents. And she embraced it with honour, pride and positivity. But it was still nice to have those hours where she could just let her hair down with her friends. Usually these hours were when she was shopping. And so Fenna and Lillianna were now privy to this facet of her personality. When Lillianna was ready, MacKensie noticed her sigh tiredly, no drink in her hand and quiet as usual. The frenchwoman's lips pursed in a smile of pity for the wizard and she quickly threw out plans to find more places to window-shop. Instead MacKensie decided she would suggest something to eat or even offer the idea of heading back to the The Mended Drum for a rest. As much fun as she was having, she would not neglect the shy woman. She also remembered that Lillianna had somehwere in particular that she wanted to go before the day was out, although she hadn't given any details. As they left the clothes shop, MacKensie was still holding the bags that had her other things she bought at other shops and stalls. It occured to her that she could have had all of her bags sent back with her outfits, but that opportunity had passed. [Colour=Pink]"Well,"[/colour] she said brightly as she twirled around to face her friends, somewhat flexing her new outfit, happy to be out of the ranger gear for a while. [Colour=Pink]"Where shall we go next? Some food, or back to the inn for some rest? Perhaps we can visit the place you wanted to go, Lillianna?"[/colour] She couldn't help but leave the option out there for more exploring. [Colour=Pink]"I'm still open to more exploring [i]if[/i] you have it in you,"[/colour] she said in a playful challenge, arching an eyebrow.