[center][h3][b][color=E948FC]Danny Kingston[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/813757202661113906/Daniel_5.jpg [/img][hr][b][color=E948FC]Location:[/color][/b] Training Room B [b][color=E948FC]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A[/center] [Color=E948FC]"It's okay, it's okay. I got t'is."[/color] Danni pushed himself up as Dee shifted the vines around like the cool cat he was. The handhold now visible, Danni leapt at them and started climbing. One hand up, one foot next, hand, foot, hand, foot, hand… [color=E948FC]"Oh my God, Dee what t'e fuck."[/color] Danni wheezed, his arms shaking and his lungs burning as he struggled up the wall. It went on forever and his jealousy at Dee's effortless ability to fucking fly with basically no repercussions skyrocketed. [color=E948FC] "What sick asshole gets off on torturing children like t'is? I am a [i]minor[/i] and t'is is cruel and unusual."[/color] He could feel his heartbeat in his fingers, his knuckles popping angrily in protest. Eventually, he dragged himself up the over the edge, flopping onto the floor, and gulping down air in his burning lungs. [color=E948FC] "Never. Again. Gunna get t'is flyin' shit down stat."[/color] He panted as he lay. Once he felt under control again, he pushed himself up once more and opened the box. Danni wrinkled his nose at a [i]tooth[/i] sitting inside the box with photos nearby. What was he supposed to do here, figure out which one of these creeps the tooth belong to? That was impossible, so there must be another way to figure out which door to go through. [color=E948FC] "Whelp, let's take a little look see at these doors shall we?"[/color] Danni asked as he walked to the left one. He examined the door in full, hoping there was a code or secret message that would help them bit when they found nothing, Danni shrugged and banged furiously on the door. He paused, put his ear to the door but didn't jear anything. Seemed safe enough. He repeated the process with the next door and instead heard a wierd whining. [Color=E948FC]"Okay, def not this door. Not vibin' wit' t'e whole noise stuff so let's go t'rough t'at door!"[/color] Danni decided, pointing at the first door he knocked on.