[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230120/a43c1391d36ad41d7b3afa38147dbe11.png[/img][/center] Sheesh, talk about a bad reaction. For a moment he stopped being James Sirus, Leader of Second Chance and newly appointed Cleric and returned to being James Sirius, Employee Relation Manager for a company that cared too little sometimes. He had anticipated an arrangement of reactions from Adam to his invitation, some more unlikely than others but the apprehension he was showing was... Well it was not exactly [i]unexpected[/i] but it certainly was not what he was hoping for, it had taken him a few days but he could say he had identified the basics of the personalities of his party members, Zell was a loud mouth idiot that was way smarter than he let on, Mac was honest to a fault and tried to be as inclusive as possible, Joji was direct in a way he could apreciate, not simple just really focused on what he held in high regard, Lilly was curious and awkward in equal measure (and his opinion wasn't biased in any way by their interactions, no sire!) but dangerous when pushed to a corner, he could not say much about Barracker having only met him but he felt like he was as calm as a mountain even if the man felt somewhat lonely, and finally, Fenna was the only one he still had not talked to but from what he had observed she was the most determinated of them all, he had not missed the way her eyes looked whenever they were on the topic of going back to their own world. But coming back to Adam, the younger man was the textbook image of a capable but self-doubting employee, he kept contributing to the figths and even made some connections with the other members of the party but a single point of failure had shaken his confidence in his position inside the team, granted it was both, a great failure and not his direct fault (or any member of Second Chance's for that matter) but his personality forced him to see it as a personal falling that he could not accept, if he dared to make a careless guess he would say that the way everyone else seemed to act guilt free probably subconsciously reinforced Adam's own belief of defeat in a self-image harming loop. The way to deal with such an employee from an HR perspective would be to influence them with direct and subtle tactics, assuring them of their capabilities and place in the company while also discreetly exchanging their duties for similar but easier ones in order to make them regain their self-confidence. If the problem persisted or worsened more drastic measures would be taken depending on the severity, one of the most extreme ones being the termination of their contract. The Cleric scooped some eggs into his mouth and bit down on some bread. Even if this continued he wouldn't just tell Adam to fuck off for practical, moral, personal, and common sense reasons, but this [b]was[/b] something he should address now when they were in a safe town and not on the mission they had foolhardily agreed on in the passion of the moment. (He suppressed the shudder at his eloquent talking, HR James could go fuck himself with his fancy words). Finishing shallowing he decided to use the soft-blunt approach [color=6ecff6]"Hey Adam, did you know that I used to work in HR for a time? You met all kinds of wacky characters when working with so many people, there was this one time that I had to talk to one of them because they keep taking 30-minute bathroom breaks, apparently they used their cellphone to watch Dragon Ball episodes while in the bathroom 3 to 4 time per day"[/color] He snorted [color=6ecff6]"Only reason we know it was Dragon Ball was because they forgot to disconnect from the loudspeaker someone else brought that day"[/color] he chuckled a little. He gave a soft sigh and leaned forward [color=6ecff6]"Other times however, people came to us because they had important problems, either at home they needed to take care of but didn't want to go to their direct superior or in really serious cases because they messed up in big ways and were fearing the consequences"[/color] He relaxed his posture as best as he could [color=6ecff6]"What I am trying to say is that I can recognize when someone has something on their minds that is bringing them down"[/color] A breath [color=6ecff6]"Adam, I say this as a friend and as the leader of the party, whatever you are thinking about your own status in the party is way worse than it actually is, I would ask you to trust me when I say that you are a valuable member of Second Chance who has shown their reliability time and time again, what happened recently was outside our control and none of us had a way to resolve the situation at the time"[/color] Another pause then he tried to give a smile [color=6ecff6]"But I know that the heart feels what it believes it has to feel so I will instead just ask you to keep with us, regardless of what you may think we feel about you we like you quite a bit Adam, and often go out of our way to spend time with you"[/color] Adam's food arrived and another spoon full of egg found itself in his mouth. [color=6ecff6]"Case in question my day was great thanks for asking, went to the guild and signed some papers, met someone that ended up joined the party -Great guy- and then came here to eat something, how was yours?"[/color]