[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/JggQfxy.png[/img][hr][b][Color=00ffff]Location:[/color][/b] Framework simulation [B][Color=00ffff]Skills: [/color][/b]Armored ground combat [B][Color=00ffff]Equipment: [/color][/b]Shieldmaiden armor[/center][hr]It all started so well. Ed realized that working together was to the benefit of them both, he [i]had[/i] an in to do what they needed to do, and all he needed was an interface. Vicky immediately created a limited access guest user account for him, and was about to hand him her helmet when things started breaking up. First, Master Hand vanished. [i][color=00ffff]Okay, no matter. The goal is to keep Usagi out of control so I can slay in peace. The strategy holds.[/color][/i] Then the new enemy tried to shoot a laser [i]at her[/i] and missed. That did not match the script. [i][color=00ffff]Time out! What's going on out there? I am the only one who actually killed something, why am In the crosshairs? Teach' has absolutely no reason to target m- Oooooh. You gave Diana the helm.[/color][/i] Vicky looked up to the sky. [i][color=00ffff]You failure! You are supposed to be one of the people I could not easily beat, and could beat me! Now you are given god access and this is what you have to show for it?! Stop being so mediocre and give me the challenge I know you can![/color][/i] she demanded in her loudest thoughts, just short of yelling it out loud. Was that the end of it? Ooooh, no sir! In that moment Ed decided to forget the thing they were thinking about and rush out into the arena. No coordinating with her, nothing. Forget suggesting ADHD medicine, Victoria was going to force feed it to her team at this pace. Turning to look over her shoulder, she saw he was heading for a sword stuck in a rock. Not having a clue why it was relevant, she was about to cut her losses (literally) and cut Arcade down, when something else happened. Namely, Zarina suddenly Diana'd over to the sword, no doubt intending to steal it before Edward could. Vicky expected something like that, but seeing it happen angered her anyway. [i][color=00ffff]Sure, break reality 'because you can'. And learn fucking nothing that would be applicable to you in a real fight. I hate it when people treat this school like a damn amusement park! At least with our hack, it's similar to trying to hack Rhodey's suit on the battlefield or something. But this? You are here to learn to save lives, not to have a fun time! Like hell will I stand for it, first that noodle sword fight and now here. Everything you do is an insult! Well, have at thee![/color][/i] Victoria was unsure how durable Zarina was, so she opted to strike with force. She would have to employ highly damaging attack, and deliberated using more than one in case Zarina tried her hacking bullshit and dodged one, an action plan forming in her mind. She eventually chose higher accuracy in favor of multiple attacks or maintaining some defense. As she stood with her back facing the sword pedestal, she would use her rear generators as a stereoscopic laser rangefinder to confirm the distance rather than eyeball it. Then she would turn around and fire the same overcharged attack that she used against Diana. She was aware she was leaving herself more open than usual, so she would leg it behind one of Leah's pillars immediately after attacking. Running the strike in a simulation, she was happy with the result and executed it. [hider=Personal notes] [code] - Implement redundancies while defending against teleporters. One generator is not enough. - Why the FUCK does a power line for my CHEST generator run on my BACK?! Rewire this, ASAP. - Actually, rewire all of the generators with a redundant power line. It should not get disabled by one bloody stab! - Create and carry a spare parts kit with you to a fight. This time it was an MFG, but what if it'S a leg actuator, or you GET EMP'd? Right, properly EMP harden the spare parts kit, too. - I should talk to Diana about how her powers work, see if I can come up with dome equipment to prevent them from failing deadly. Some sort of probability stabilizing field? Entanglement undersuit? Adrenalin shot? Aderall? - Talk to Ed about how to communicate during a mission. [/code] [/hider] [hider=M-F generator allocation] [color=00ffff]Left rear, Right rear: [/color]Rangefinding assistance for main attack. [color=00ffff]Chest: [/color]Disabled [color=00ffff]Left hand, Right hand: [/color][b]2x boosted* repulsor beam attack at Zari (Piercing damage)[/b] [Color=00ffff]*2x Boosted[/color] - Overcharged attack (stacking multiple M-F Generators into single attack) with no range penalty. Can change damage type (Blunt to Piercing etc.) Requires the hand M-F generators to be in close proximity to stack, limiting the boosting to the M-F Generators located on the hands and chest (2x boosted - both hands; 3x boosted - both hands + chest). Cannot be combined with Sweeping. All participating generators suffer a 1 turn cooldown. [/hider]