[h1][b][i][color=FF9A4F][center]Leah Jordan[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ktEJkOK.png[/img][/center][center][/center][hr][center][color=FF9A4F][b]Location[/b][/color]: Framework [color=FF9A4F][b]Skills[/b][/color]: Battlefield Manipulation [url= https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/P91SouhtcVvATfjH6y4YOJ4I3dIZRLrok7syau01eGw/%3Fu%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Ftse1.mm.bing.net%252Fth%253Fid%253DOIP.en_9ngHpPiDuFtTdrpwlbgHaLH%2526pid%253DApi%26f%3D1%26ipt%3D9bfcb1863f729d20bdad83f409906bd75144c0ef7ccf0fb4f46f6b67fc105f00%26ipo%3Dimages/https/external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/]Today’s Fit[/url][/center] [hr][hr] What in the god damn fuck was [i]that[/i] fucking guy? And why did he have a fucking volcano in his left tit?! Leah didn’t know that Diana was the one at the wheel right now, so the conclusion she came to was that Usagi must’ve been into some weird shit. Then again, it didn’t take Mr. Krakatita to extrapolate such information. He was swinging around a giant fuck-off flaming axe- That much she [i]did[/i] understand and watched it sail right over her head. This was a time to open up herself, and so she reached [i]deep[/i] into the ground to rip it apart. Alas, Leah overestimated her control in this current situation, so she didn’t get the boulder to loose itself from the dirt, only raising the ground by about half a foot. In the time it took her to focus on this, Mount Mammary got in a good swing. Leah blacked out and woke up back on one of the pedestals. She looked herself over and, holy shit. She was normal again. Whatever the hell Zarina did to her was undone… The pain stopped. She was shorter, and felt none of that burning power inside her chest anymore. Leah stayed there for a moment, staring at her hands as if she had gone crazy and just missed the gray skin she had moments ago. What happened to her? She was trained to deal with curveballs for years, this shouldn’t be affected her this badly. Why? [i]Why?[/i] She took in a deep breath. [color=ff9a4f][i]The wind does not move the mountain,[/i][/color] She thought to herself. [color=ff9a4f][i]It comes, and it goes.[/i][/color] It was a way to remind herself to be a rock, and that she had to be better than this. It was a simulation. A test. A game which one or two of them had godlike control over. So, detached from the battlefield, Leah put her strategist skills to proper use. Leah saw Ed and Zarina both gunning for a weapon. If those two both worked together then they could theoretically snap Magma Milkers out of existence. But she doubted they would coordinate like that. Even if they did, Usagi was holding the reins to end all reins, and so this would go on until they amused her or all wiped. This must’ve been an “impossible odds” situation. One to determine how they handled themselves in a situation where they couldn’t win to begin with. For all intents and purposes, they were playing a game- and Usagi was the opponent. How do you win a game without a viable win condition? You don’t. If they can’t win, then Usagi couldn’t lose. But if Leah’s team didn’t actually lose either… No, the simulation would just escalate past their abilities. Unless they did well enough [i]now.[/i] Leah re-entered the battlefield, walking up to Victoria’s side and staying there. [color=ff9a4f]”He’s huge, and has a lot of reach. If we stay out of it and keep him in his then he can’t hit us with that axe. I can’t make quicksand without April. But…”[/color] Leah bent down and slammed both of her hands into the dirt. She poured her power into it to turn the ground under the Voluptuous Volcano’s feet into a huge pit of fine sand. Ideally, his mass would cause him to sink like a rock when he shuffled around, causing him to get stuck. [color=ff9a4f]”Do you think Zarina could glitch in a few phaser rifles on vaporize to fuck him up?”[/color] [hider=Roll Request] Requesting a roll for Leah to fragment the ground under Ganon’s feet, turning it into sand deep enough for him to trip up and sink into. Calling Leah’s battlefield manipulation skill for the roll. [/hider]