[center][h3][b][color=ff48a5]Mary Sue Sullivan[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://image.film.at/images/cfs_landscape_616w_347h/7106616/46-149344534.jpg [/img][hr][b][color=ff48a5]Location:[/color][/b] The Gym- Training Room A [b][color=ff48a5]Skills: [/color][/b] Friendship [hr][hr][/center] Mary Sue was frozen as Andy spoke to her. She had no idea what they could do here, she simply didn't know enough about her powers. As Andy asked her if she could do anything else, she just sheepishly shook her head. "[color=ff48a5]I... Don't know if there's anything more.[/color]" She said, scratching the back of her head. She hoped that that didn't sound dumb, but everything she thought she knew about what she could do changed at that audition, and she still hasn't had enough time to experiment. She unconsciously took a step backwards at hearing that Andy was obstensibly some kind of life vampire, deciding that that wasn't the thing to try to use. "[color=ff48a5]Um, I might have an idea.[/color]" She said, putting her hands out. She'd really only made rigid things up until this point, but if her powers were more flexible than that, she might have a lot of utility. Light gathered up in her hands, before condensing into a lasso. She allowed herself a small, self satisfied smile, and presented it to her. "[color=ff48a5]If you can pass your electricity through my constructs, like you did with my sword, then you might be able to do the same with this. If you can use this properly, you can have a lot finer control than just firing off lightning bolts.[/color]" She said this with what happened with Mothman and Lady Nimue in mind, this could help reduce collateral damage.