Adam had expected the worst. He expected to be yelled at, kicked off the team, and sent packing before he could even finish his lunch. What happened instead was quite different. Instead, James started telling the younger man about his life in HR. When he mentioned the guy watching Dragon Ball in the bathroom, Adam couldn't help but laugh a little. "That sounds like something my brother would do," the Druid responded after that. Eric did have a habit of hiding to avoid chores when he was younger. Adam let the Cleric continue talking after this, listening intently as he proceeded to try reassuring the red-eyed man of his place on the team. The logic did make sense, but he'd be lying to himself if he said he didn't still feel somewhat guilty over the events of yesterday. Still, James was the leader and nobody had confronted the Druid yet, so it was fair to at least [i]try[/i] moving forward. "That is appreciated, I will do that" was the simple yet sincere reply Adam gave to the Cleric's request as the former's food arrived. Deciding to start with the eggs, the Druid ate a little as James described his day. A new team member was a good idea; they had lost two people (thanks to himself, Adam felt) and someone who could work together with everyone was welcome. Swallowing his food, the red-eyed man answered the question he was asked. "Kind of eventful. I went to the library for books and met a new friend who taught me some things. Then I came here to drop off most of the books. And here I am." The Druid decided to skip talking about his trip up the mountain, thinking James might misinterpret the intent. There would be time to mention it to someone on the team later anyway. Right now though, it was time for something he had been meaning to do since the group's first battle together. "Oh, I've been meaning to thank you for your spell back in Hommas with the ogres. One hit me pretty hard and I might have died if that wasn't there. So, well…thank you." It didn't feel eloquent to him, but Adam was glad to have said it.