[h1][b][i][color=CC99FF][center]Dorian Gray[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/392257844256440322/1064032443553828874/CQrs.gif[/img][/center][center][/center][hr][center][color=CC99FF][b]Location[/b][/color]: Training Room B [color=CC99FF][b]Skills[/b][/color]: Possession Combat [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/392257844256440322/1064032443860004934/Screenshot_20210223-112042_Instagram-1-1.jpg]First Day Fit[/url][/center] [hr][hr] If plants could snicker, they would. There was a light rustling of the thorny vines after Danni had managed to make his way over the wall. A soft [i]shshshshshsh[/i] sound could be heard as the stringy plants rustled against the wall as Dorian laughed towards his best friend. It was just a rock climbing wall, how bad could it be? He left out of the possession as he watched Danni knocking against two doors. It wasn’t a bad plan, and much better plan than trying to figure out what they even wanted them to do with a tooth and three photographs of strange men. Dorian recognized one of the names. His name was hardly ever brought up, but when it was it was never anything good. If Selene was the boogeyman, this man was her shadow. Lurking in the dark waiting for moments to strike with silver tongue and hidden needle. It was one of his uncle's fathers, and a grade A asshole. Dorian had to wonder why they even had these images, and if that meant that the other two were equally as wretched people. Or was this one of those two truths one lie scenario where two were heroes and the third was a villain posing as such. Either way before he could manage to say anything, Danni had figured out which door he thought it was, and Dorian found no faults in his logic for picking it. He placed the photographs back onto the table leaving all thoughts about them behind with it. [color=CC99FF]”Got it! Maybe we can sneak some Framework practice to get t’at flyin’ in check. Ooooo or maybe we can do a weighted trainin’ montage to ‘elp develop your flyin’ muscles!”[/color] Dorian commented as he began to turn the handle and open up the door. Beyond it was just emptiness. Well, emptiness and a singular table with an item set upon it. Danni had done most of the leg work so far, so Dorian was ok with letting him stick behind by the door while he inspected the final challenge. It was a bomb, with a small timer clock on it and a crazy amount of wires coming off it. Did bombs really look like this? Dorian just rolled his eyes, deciding it was a test to diffuse the danger, and whats better than to toss it into another realm where it wouldn’t be a danger anymore? He placed his hands on the bomb and tried phasing back into the Astral Realm. The thing was surprisingly resilient, either that or he was running out of juice like Danni had been. He kept on trying to pull it towards the other plane when finally he stopped with a bit of a huff and heavy breathing. Suddenly the timer lit up, thirty seconds on the clock and counting. Everything left Dorian’s mind as he recalled the massive sound of the blast from when he was inside of Percy. He looked towards Danni and tried to bolt towards him to save him from the explosion. As he turned on the spot, his foot twisted round and one got placed before the other causing his next step to trip him up. Dorian went falling down and slamming against the floor. Fear was in his eyes as he wondered how he’d ever make it to Danni in time for the explosion to miss his best friend. Was this how it happened? Did he lose Danni this early and April later on? His heart wrenched and all Dorian could think about was how much he hoped that Danni’s omega gene had kicked in enough after these years to give him flame immunity. But just in case…[color=CC99FF]”Danni Run!”[/color] Dorian yelled like a blood curdling banshee before his body instinctively ripped him into the Astral Realm to save him from the massive blast of the bomb.