[center][h1][b][color=gold]Lillianna[/color][/b][/h1][/center] The mage didn't so much as notice the Frenchwoman's reaction to her own tiredness and exasperation, though for the most part the mage's mood would seem to change as they finally [b]left[/b] the clothing store. Relief, as visible as it was while she only somewhat tried to hide it, would take over the mage's expression as they began to make their way toward the exit. Relief at finally getting some fresh air, relief at leaving the airs of the so overly-fancy store that had spooked her, and yet- "Ah! Leaving already?" Addelsby would walk over with his quick little steps, briefly interrupt Lillianna on her way out as the mage's head turned to look at him one more time. His tone, almost slightly teasing, would come alongside a small smile and a seeming understanding in his eyes. In fact the old gnome seemed to have some sort of grandfatherly twinkle in his eyes if one looked closer, though it was enough to at least elicit a small smile in return from the usually shy mage. [color=gold]"Yes....but p-perhaps we'll be back one day."[/color] With a small chuckle, the designer would give a silent nod to the mage, then to MacKensie, and to Fenna in turn, before turning around and disappearing into the cutrain call of the back rooms of the shop once more. After finally getting outside, the mage clutched her staff in her right hand as they walked along. Its light tap on the ground as she walked with it was faint, at least compared to the hustle and bustle of people and daily traffic moving around them, but at the same time almost comforting to the mage. It was the one part of her mage attire and such that she hadn't sent back to the Mended Drum at that. Likewise she felt somewhat glad she'd gotten the, admittedly likely overburnened by now, help from this latest store to carry the rest of her things back as well to free up her arms. She wasn't physically unfit right now, but for some reason shopping like this seemed well out of her area of expertise if nothing else. Draining in its own fashion, really, a fact she felt in her mind and in her bones. Even so she'd have to get back on her exersize later, and she would do so some time before going to bed at least, and then get her morning routine back into...well...a proper routine again if she wanted to stay physically fit enough. Maybe find a place to swim if there was any around here-....drat, she needed a swimsuit in such a case then. Perhaps before the end of the day they could make one last little- [quote]As they left the clothes shop, MacKensie was still holding the bags that had her other things she bought at other shops and stalls. It occured to her that she could have had all of her bags sent back with her outfits, but that opportunity had passed. [color=pink]"Well,"[/color] she said brightly as she twirled around to face her friends, somewhat flexing her new outfit, happy to be out of the ranger gear for a while. [color=pink]"Where shall we go next? Some food, or back to the inn for some rest? Perhaps we can visit the place you wanted to go, Lillianna?"[/color] She couldn't help but leave the option out there for more exploring. [color=pink]"I'm still open to more exploring if you have it in you,"[/color] she said in a playful challenge, arching an eyebrow.[/quote] -...ah. Ah! Yes, that was right! She hadn't forgotten one bit about wanting to go to the Church of Iris, but at the same time it was certainly one part of a growing list of things she was taking note of in her head. Or, well, list of things she had been taking note of by now at any rate. But at the mere mention of what she'd said before, the mage perked up with a little more energy before responding to MacKensie. [color=gold]"Well, it isn't as grand as the shopping we've done...but I did wish to go to the Church of Iris here in Valheim. Something about that spirit that assisted us back in the maze, the one that spoke with me, seems to have stuck with me a bit. I was hoping to try to learn a bit more about him there, since he told me his sister had been trained as a cleric I believe."[/color] Her voice seemed to drift off a little as she finished speaking, admittedly a bit nervous about her request though very much honest in what she'd said as well. The unfortunate adventurer who had died out there in the Mazy Hillocks, without whom they'd have been ambushed that much worse in a situation that had gone even further beyond that by the end of it all. He'd also saved her though a well-placed...poltergeist-ing? Er, that is what she called the event in her mind right now anyway. Somehow helped kill a wolf that was trying to get at her throat, basically, but it took a lot out of him from the looks and sounds of it. That had been the last she'd seen of him before the flurry of events took her out of comission. Nearly made her another spirit bound to the area, perhaps, though the thought made her shudder unconcsiously at the potential that their dead comrades could have been sent to such a fate themselves. Hopefully they hadn't the grudges or such to stick around haunting a place like that. Still, in the end she was glad Lucy had directed her toward the Church of Iris for further questions. Maybe there would be answers at the end of it all, she hoped, that might put her mind better at ease or the like.