Fenna smiled when MacKenzie praised her looks, although she wasn't sure how to respond to the praise on her lips. Were they really that special? She'd take the woman's word for it. "You look stunning yourself," she returned the compliment. "I'm certain you'll get a lot of attention when we leave this place." She agreed the place looked gorgeous, the Academy had likewise impressive architecture. The people living here took pride in their building, when they had the funds to do so, and it showed. Which wasn't unlike back home. It made it easier being here, even though they were somewhere far away, there were enough similarities to get a familiar feeling. When MacKensie mentioned shopping in Holland she smiled. "I haven't shopped in Holland very often," she said. "I live in a different part of the Netherlands. No place is as grand as Paris though, but we do have some nice places." The small talk was pleasant and Fenna was happy for this opportunity to just sit back and relax for a moment. Once Lilliana was ready and they left the clothes shop, they discussed the next destination and when she mentioned the Church of Isis, Fenna nodded in agreement. "Alright, let's go there next." As they went to their next destination, asking for directions when they weren't sure where to go, Fenna noticed the mage shudder while being deep in thought. "Are you okay?" she asked Lilliana.